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Meme of the day: Aha! So That's The Plan All Along! - The Daily Report

Meme of the day: Aha! So That's The Plan All Along! - The Daily Report

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Watch this.

Watch this.

Watch this.

If i was just given the article to read, i would have thought i was reading Black Lives Matter Activist's write ups.
There is the narrative of oppressor (evil) and victim (noble) - the truth being all are sinners.
There is the narrative of i'm guilty because my great great great grandfather had slaves and i'm oppressed because my great, great, great grandfather was a slave the truth being we are accountable for our actions not our ancestor's.
It's sad that marxism is so influential in that these Christian leaders buy into it and the best part is they don't even realize it.
Thoughts ? Do you think i am off base here in thinking that way after reading this.
These are senior leaders, so maybe i'm wrong ?
p.s also it's not really scriptural to have exclusively red, black, yellow, brown or white churches

Influence Magazine | Where We Stand Shapes What We See

Influence Magazine | Where We Stand Shapes What We See

Perspectives on current events from National Black Fellowship Leaders

Richmond, VA Education Association on returning to school in the fall.


Handy DIY taco seasoning mix.



Chili powder, cumin, paprika, and a few other easy-to-find spices make up this taco mix recipe. Cheaper than packaged versions!

Marxists/Liberals eating their own. Scary.

Monsters Of Cancel Culture | The American Conservative

Monsters Of Cancel Culture | The American Conservative

'You mustn't think bad thoughts about them either, or they'll do the same to you'

NO IMMUNITY! Supreme Court tells President Donald Trump that he is not immune to prosecutorial access to his tax returns

More at:

Supreme Court grants NY prosecutors access to Trump's tax returns, rebuffs Congress | TheHill

Supreme Court grants NY prosecutors access to Trump's tax returns, rebuffs Congress | TheHill

The Supreme Court in a split decision on Thursday granted New York state prosecutors access to President Trump’s tax returns, even as it shielded a trove of his financial records from Congress.


Few may have noticed that 42 percent of all COVID deaths in the US come from just three states—New Jersey, New York, and Massachusetts. These three states account for nearly 56,000 of the nearly 133,000 deaths in the US, even though they represent just 10 percent of the population. If these three states are excluded, the US suddenly finds itself somewhere in between nations such as Luxembourg (176/1M) and Macedonia (166/1M), where some of the better fatality numbers in Europe are found.

This week, the New York State Department of Health issued a report that concluded 6,326 COVID-positive residents were admitted to nursing homes between March 25 and May 8 as a result of the order.

”The data shows that the nursing home residents got COVID from the staff, and presumably, also from those who visited them. Unfortunately, we did not understand the disease early on, we did not realize how widespread it was within our community, and therefore, it was able to be introduced into a vulnerable population,” said New York Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker.


Look at that quote by Zucker again:

“Unfortunately, we did not understand the disease early on, we did not realize how widespread it was within our community, and therefore, it was able to be introduced into a vulnerable population,”

I have a whole post, March 16th, which shows that we did in fact know how ‘widespread’ it was. “We” apparently didn’t include the ‘expert’ Zucker, however.

We also understood who was most vulnerable… well, everyone except the ‘experts’ in NY apparently. Before the March 16th post above, I raised concern about the elderly and how they needed our special attention in this post [Mar 13]

and this post [Mar 11]

and this post [March 9th]

And probably others, too. But note the dates. The NY policy was in effect “March 25 and May 8.” My posts beat those dates by several weeks.

I don’t think I’m particularly clever for noticing how COVID uniquely devastates older communities. Many were doing so. I think our authorities and ‘experts’ were particularly stupid, and in some cases, apparently, actually wicked, for seemingly doing everything possible to NOT specially protect these communities, at the expense of justifying total, community/state/national shut downs of EVERYONE.

I hate these people. I really do.

HORRIFYING: DEMOCRAT States Busing INFECTED Patients To Nursing Homes Account For 42% Of ALL COVID DEATHS

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