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DL White changed her profile picture
4 yrs


seems wall to wall coverage has fallen out of favor, but some things are still wildly out of control, even if they aren't thumping their chests about it anymore

112 victims reported in 83 shootings over 9 days in NYC | 1010 WINS

112 victims reported in 83 shootings over 9 days in NYC | 1010 WINS

A spike in gun violence has left over 100 people wounded or killed in dozens of shootings across New York City over the past nine days, police said Sunday.

MSNBC has no one to blame but President Trump for coronavirus deaths, but not the country it originated from

More at:

MSNBC Blames Trump for Coronavirus Killing Americans: He Has “Rivers of Blood” on His Hands  |

MSNBC Blames Trump for Coronavirus Killing Americans: He Has “Rivers of Blood” on His Hands |

Appearing as a guest on Friday's The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell, MSNBC contributor Jonathan Alter declared that President Donald Trump and Republican gov

Meme of the day: Second Amendment Versus Trespassers - The Daily Report

Meme of the day: Second Amendment Versus Trespassers - The Daily Report

Get your latest US breaking news, worldwide daily trends, business and politics. Only the news and updates that you want on your feed, not the crap.

I am putting my analysis re: current events primarily in a page I made for that purpose, here: Some stuff will end up on my personal profile, I'm sure.

The pressure is on Facebook. Not the kind we want. It seems clear to me that Facebook and Trump made a deal, sparing Trump the treatment he got from Twitter. (I don't know what FB got in return.) But advertisers are pulling out of FB in retaliation for FB's relatively more hands off approach. I expect that FB is going to go hard line against Trump leading up to the election. It will not hold up its end of the deal.

The root word for truth is reality
Rahil Patel

Critical Theory vs Critical Thinking | Free Thinking Ministries

Critical Theory vs Critical Thinking | Free Thinking Ministries

Social justice. That sounds great! After all, who would not want justice in the society in which they live? In fact, the Bible has so much to say about justice.

This article encompasses so much of the frightening changes taking place in America today. A community college professor, teaching a course on world politics, taught a unit on terrorism. In that unit, he gave a quiz that included the following three questions and answers:

Who do terrorists strive to emulate? A. Mohammed

Where is terrorism encouraged in Islamic doctrine and law? A. The Medina verses [i.e., the portion of the Qur’an traditionally understood as having been revealed later in Muhammad’s prophetic career]

Terrorism is _______ in Islam. A. justified within the context of jihad.

Keep in mind, this professor has been at this college for 24 years as you continue on in the article.

The interim president, Christina Haines, apologized for the "inaccurate" and "inappropriate" questions. Haines and the school then gave the professor an apology letter to mail to the student and he was to remove the quiz questions.

The professor, Damask, refused and claimed his academic freedom was being threatened. He then defended his teaching by noting his sources in the Qur'an, the hadiths, and sira.

In May, Damask was told that before teaching any further classes on Islamic terrorism, he would have to meet with an Islamic religious leader to go over course content and he would need to take a class taught by a Muslim.

After that, the college's chancellor publicly apologized for the way in which things were handled and the lack of consideration for the Damask's academic freedom.

Then, Damask, his wife, his grandson, and his 85-year old parents started getting hundreds of death threats. The school was also threatened. And as the article says, "Damask’s calls to have those messages removed from the school’s Instagram account have not been successful to date."

This story has all of the elements of cancel culture, with an added side of reeducation and revisionist history/NewSpeak.

Arizona college professor gets death threats for calling Jihad violent

Arizona college professor gets death threats for calling Jihad violent

Damask defended his teachings of the world politics course, the questions were sourced to the Quran, the hadiths, and the biography (sira) of Mohammed.
4 yrs - Youtube

A taste of heaven
I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.
Revelation 7:9
Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, New York
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India in 31 languages (there are more)
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The Corn Siege