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V Clark changed her profile cover
4 yrs

V Clark changed her profile picture
4 yrs



Meme of the day: Rally Behind Trump to Defeat the 'Corrupt' Deep State! - The Daily Report

Meme of the day: Rally Behind Trump to Defeat the 'Corrupt' Deep State! - The Daily Report

Get your latest US breaking news, worldwide daily trends, business and politics. Only the news and updates that you want on your feed, not the crap.
V Clark changed her profile cover
4 yrs

V Clark changed her profile picture
4 yrs


Meme of the day: The Left HATES Seeing America WINNING! - The Daily Report

Meme of the day: The Left HATES Seeing America WINNING! - The Daily Report

Get your latest US breaking news, worldwide daily trends, business and politics. Only the news and updates that you want on your feed, not the crap.

Meme of the day: The Left HATES Seeing America WINNING! - The Daily Report

Meme of the day: The Left HATES Seeing America WINNING! - The Daily Report

Get your latest US breaking news, worldwide daily trends, business and politics. Only the news and updates that you want on your feed, not the crap.
4 yrs - Youtube

Some #juneteeth thoughts from a Christian Black conservative. He addresses a bunch of topics in this video, including the myth that the political parties in America swapped beliefs, Christians needing to be salt and light in a fallen world, and combating "casual" racism.


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The Corn Siege