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Jeremy Biddle changed his profile cover
4 yrs


President Trump pulls out from W.H.O., Democrats and Mainstream Media suddenly went absolutely nuts

More at:

Trump Pulls U.S. From WHO, Which Wanted to Use Coronavirus Funds to Kill Babies in Abortions  |

Trump Pulls U.S. From WHO, Which Wanted to Use Coronavirus Funds to Kill Babies in Abortions |

Today, President Donald Trump has officially ended America’s relationship with the WHO, the international agency that has botched its response to the coronavi

Meme of the day: Something's Wrong with CNN Reporting Here... - The Daily Report

Meme of the day: Something's Wrong with CNN Reporting Here... - The Daily Report

Get your latest US breaking news, worldwide daily trends, business and politics. Only the news and updates that you want on your feed, not the crap.

Tech thoughts: if you are having trouble since the update try closing and re-opening your browser. Possibly, your session was put in a loop. Also, I believe the platform is optimized for Chrome. I personally use both Firefox and Chrome, but there have been times where I feel Chrome is smoother. Experiment.

Jeremy Biddle changed his profile cover
4 yrs

Jeremy Biddle changed his profile picture
4 yrs

Jeremy Biddle changed his profile picture
4 yrs


update about to begin

Amy Vreugde changed her profile picture
4 yrs

Kathy Oord changed her profile picture
4 yrs


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if you want to interact with people without laying bare your whole life,
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The Corn Siege