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Kroger to stop giving change on cash purchases.

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Kroger spokesperson Erin Rofles confirmed Friday the grocer will no longer return coin change to customers. Instead, the remainders from cash transactions will be applied to customers’ loyalty cards and automatically used on their next purchase.
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4 yrs

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4 yrs

I may have tracked down the source of some troubles people are having when accessing the site by phone. be sure to use the secure link to the site. It is the one with the extra 's.' Looks like this: https:// and NOT http://

On two phones I had trouble with, they had trouble using the latter, and worked perfectly immediately after when using the former.

I may have tracked down the source of some troubles people are having when accessing the site by phone. be sure to use the secure link to the site. It is the one with the extra 's.' Looks like this: https:// and NOT http://

On two phones I had trouble with, they had trouble using the latter, and worked perfectly immediately after when using the former.

MAJOR MELTDOWN: Democrats lose their minds completely after President Trump commutes Roger Stone’s prison sentence

More at:

Democrats blast Trump for commuting Roger Stone: 'The most corrupt president in history' | TheHill

Democrats blast Trump for commuting Roger Stone: 'The most corrupt president in history' | TheHill

Democrats tore into President Trump Friday after he commuted the prison sentence of longtime confidant Roger Stone, who was set to be behind bars for over three years starting next week.

Meme of the day: I Think We Just Discovered Who The Anti-Christ Is... - The Daily Report

Meme of the day: I Think We Just Discovered Who The Anti-Christ Is... - The Daily Report

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Statistically, I'm less worried about my children getting covid and more concerned about them being indoctrinated by the world and secular Christianity.

4 yrs - Youtube

Easy fruit cobbler recipe. I've made 3 cobblers from various types of canned fruit using this recipe and they all been great. Sub out the 4 cups of fresh sliced peaches for about 28 oz of any canned fruit (I've thus far used peaches, mixed fruit, and blueberries).



This easy peach cobbler recipe is one of our most popular desserts and is the pefect ending to any summertime meal.

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The Corn Siege