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So, what do you hear of political indictments? Old news? Also, hearing of protests, violence ramping up for the 4th. Any news?

Ajit Abraham is feeling Sad
4 yrs

This guy Pavlowitz is one of the most annoying 'christians' i have come across on the internet; him and my now blocked friend William David Troughton who I saved from having to deal with 'a blow up' from me.
The comment by Mr.Troughton that there is overwhelming evidence of how 'caring' the left is had me almost pulling out my hair.
The troubling thing is that he is a retired missionary doctor gasteroenterologist originally from New Zealand who worked in India and has travelled around the world and is 'old and wise'.
If he can believe that today, i am not at all surprised that younger less experienced would do so too.

Stop Caricaturing Christians: An Open Letter to John Pavlovitz | The Stream

Stop Caricaturing Christians: An Open Letter to John Pavlovitz | The Stream

Dear Mr. Pavlovitz, I recently read an impassioned Huffington Post article in which you argued that pro-life conservatives are not acting in good conscience

lol, my fav part when they discuss this- former Senior Director, Dr. Debroah Nucatola “sipping wine and eating salad while discussing how she ‘carefully’ crushes preborn children.”

Planned Parenthood partner admits under oath to dissecting intact babies, seeing hearts beating

Planned Parenthood partner admits under oath to dissecting intact babies, seeing hearts beating

The Center for Medical Progress released a new video detailing under-oath admissions about babies surviving abortions with some dissected for body parts.

Another pandemic developing in China?



New study spotlights influenza virus that could wreak havoc if it adapts to humans

HERE WE GO AGAIN: Democrats' Russia playbook for the nth time, anyone tired yet?

More at:

Media Are Playing Games Yet Again With Anonymous Russia Leaks

Media Are Playing Games Yet Again With Anonymous Russia Leaks

Watch nearly the entire corporate media establishment run wild with claims from completely anonymous sources in the intelligence community this week.

Meme of the day: Democrats' Strategy: If All Else Fails, RUSSIA! - The Daily Report

Meme of the day: Democrats' Strategy: If All Else Fails, RUSSIA! - The Daily Report

Get your latest US breaking news, worldwide daily trends, business and politics. Only the news and updates that you want on your feed, not the crap.
Calvin Anderson changed his profile picture
4 yrs

Daniel Capitanu changed his profile picture
4 yrs


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The Corn Siege