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#prediction #walmart
I suspect in 6-12 months we will see Walmart make a move to buy out a bankrupt AMC and open up their own indoor theaters. I also think this might be the opportunity Walmart uses to take on Amazon and launch a full service Amazon Prime competitor, complete with original streaming content.

BACK TO WINNING: Trump’s America is doing it, jobs and economy ‘roaring back’ despite pandemic

More at:

Trump touts 'historic' June jobs report: 'Our economy is roaring back' | Fox News

Trump touts 'historic' June jobs report: 'Our economy is roaring back' | Fox News

President Trump, during a pre-holiday press briefing at the White House, touted the June jobs report that indicated the economy is beginning to rebound from the depths of its crash during the coronavirus pandemic. 

My last post on Facebook.


I feel like I should say something about time frames.

History is filled with monumental twists of fate. Some of these happen overnight. Some take decades to unfold. I see parallels in present day America with numerous 'twists', but those parallels include the time frames, too. Ie, 9-11 changed things overnight, but it took centuries for the Armenian genocide to come into full flower. Likewise, we are wrestling with ancient injuries, but unexpected events could alter the situation radically.

So, while I do insist that America is on a steep and dangerous descent into something terrible, I would not dream of putting an exact time frame on 'when' we hit 'bottom.' But if this phrase be true: "God cannot be mocked, a man reaps what he sows" and I emphatically believe it is true... then the things that are happening (eg, being sown) will bear the fruit of what is being sown. This is not a Looney Tunes cartoon. Wiley Coyote cannot run off the cliff and hover indefinitely until he realizes nothing is under him and only THEN fall.

Actions have consequences. Decisions have consequences. History provides much insight into what kinds of consequences follow from certain actions and consequences. Predictions? No. Insights? Ample.

But we do have new knowledge. We now know that the American Church is prepared to almost completely capitulate to secular authorities. The Church will alter its ceremonies, its rites, and so on. It will close its doors. It won't even meet at all. It was prepared to do this forever. Romans 13 and all. For Ebola? No. For COVID. lol. FOR COVID. Because people never died before this century, and there never were any plagues. The Church was merely adapting to brand new, unforeseen circumstances.

But we long suspected near perfect obedience to the State by the American Church. But now we know. We failed the test. Consequences to follow.

Not just the Church, but average Americans themselves. Should you wear a mask? The experts say NO! [cue society-wide shaming of people buying masks]. A month passes. the experts say, "WEAR A MASK." The people say, "Great! We needed a new reason to shame people!" [society-wide shaming ensues.]

Is protesting a noble activity, protected by the first amendment (this being the one that protected the Church, too, btw)? NO! They are white supremacists! SELFISH BASTARDS. WE HOPE THEY DIE! THEY ARE ENDANGERING US ALL! A month passes. The protestors are right to gather! to Riot! to Burn! to Murder! Join them! SHAME DISSENTERS! DO NOTHING TO STOP THEM. What is that you say? COVID? Well, now, unlike defending yourself from literal starvation and losing your home, etc, THIS is a good cause.


"Sir, yessir! HOW HIGH?"

Apparently, obeying double talk and tolerating double standards is cool in America. Which means this isn't America anymore. We are just one giant conditioned massive herd, ready to take our orders from the 'mainstream' absolutely on cue. America? America the idea lives on. America the region could be renamed Eu-meri-cope.*

The conduct of 'America' the last 6 months has been an embarrassment. Who should be shamed? Not the people being shamed. The ones who should be ashamed, are not. They are too busy turning their brain off completely and doing whatever it is they are told to do, with strong preferences towards destroying city blocks, and of course, people too, when they can get away with it.

Consequences to follow. When? Don't know. But God cannot be mocked. At least, not for long.

These are things newly known. But there is something else in the works. For every revolution, there is a counter-revolution.

May you live in interesting times.

Well, well, well.

Coronavirus Traces Found in March 2019 Sewage Sample, Spanish Study Shows - The New York Times

Coronavirus Traces Found in March 2019 Sewage Sample, Spanish Study Shows - The New York Times

Spanish virologists have found traces of the novel coronavirus in a sample of Barcelona waste water collected in March 2019, nine months before the COVID-19 disease was identified in China, the University of Barcelona said on Friday.
Jeremy Biddle changed his profile cover
4 yrs




President Trump calls Russian bounty allegations as ‘hoax’

More at:

Trump dismisses Russian bounty allegations as a 'hoax' | TheHill

Trump dismisses Russian bounty allegations as a 'hoax' | TheHill

President Trump claimed early Wednesday that reports about suspected Russian bounties on coalition forces in Afghanistan were a “hoax” meant to damage him politically.

Meme of the day: The Liberal Hypocrisy When It Comes To Abortion - The Daily Report

Meme of the day: The Liberal Hypocrisy When It Comes To Abortion - The Daily Report

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