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FOX’s Tucker Carlson asked an important point about Democrats and the way they see the country

More at:

Tucker Carlson: Can Democrats lead a country they 'despise'? | Fox News

Tucker Carlson: Can Democrats lead a country they 'despise'? | Fox News

Tucker Carlson called into question the "patriotism" of Democrats and the mainstream media Monday following a weekend of criticism over President Trump's Fourth of July celebration.

Pro-Lifers’ choice is President Donald Trump

More at:

Pro-Life Group Endorses Trump: “Most Pro-Life President in the History of the United States”  |

Pro-Life Group Endorses Trump: “Most Pro-Life President in the History of the United States” |

A pro-life organization in Kansas has issued an endorsement for President Donald Trump, saying he has done more to protect babies from abortion than any preside

Interesting article in the newspaper.


Interesting article in the newspaper.


Interesting article in the newspaper.


Interesting blog article on COVID-19 so far; Saw it posted on a physician group.
The replies (on that group) countered with the lag between peak of cases and deaths


Is Chief Justice John Roberts’ decisions ‘politically-driven’?

More at:

John Roberts swing votes about Supreme Court politics, court watchers say - Washington Times

John Roberts swing votes about Supreme Court politics, court watchers say - Washington Times

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. has been labeled the Supreme Court's swing vote after siding several times with the liberal wing, but both conservative and liberal court watchers say his judicial moves are all about politics.

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The Corn Siege