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This is my safe space, this is my safe space, this is my safe space.... woooooosaaaaahhhhhh

If we can get 100 active users, I will spring for the developer's android app.

still havenโ€™t finished โ€˜UnConformedโ€™ yet. However, I have had this book for a while and havenโ€™t opened it yet. Now, I know there isnโ€™t really a order of reading these books in, but Iโ€™m the type of reader who likes to read things in order, from which book came first.

Anyway, couldnโ€™t help myself and I opened the book to chapter 6, page 47.. which is.. Life issues: Abortion.
Made me squeal with joy!!
Recently Iโ€™ve been more outspoken about abortion and advocating pro-life (which you already know).
Hereโ€™s my full of joy/cringey selfie with your book b r u h.
canโ€™t wait to dig in!! and possibly share this book with someone else! iโ€™ve got several people on my mind who could really give it a read as well.
THANK U BHorvath


still havenโ€™t finished โ€˜UnConformedโ€™ yet. However, I have had this book for a while and havenโ€™t opened it yet. Now, I know there isnโ€™t really a order of reading these books in, but Iโ€™m the type of reader who likes to read things in order, from which book came first.

Anyway, couldnโ€™t help myself and I opened the book to chapter 6, page 47.. which is.. Life issues: Abortion.
Made me squeal with joy!!
Recently Iโ€™ve been more outspoken about abortion and advocating pro-life (which you already know).
Hereโ€™s my full of joy/cringey selfie with your book b r u h.
canโ€™t wait to dig in!! and possibly share this book with someone else! iโ€™ve got several people on my mind who could really give it a read as well.
THANK U BHorvath


still havenโ€™t finished โ€˜UnConformedโ€™ yet. However, I have had this book for a while and havenโ€™t opened it yet. Now, I know there isnโ€™t really a order of reading these books in, but Iโ€™m the type of reader who likes to read things in order, from which book came first.

Anyway, couldnโ€™t help myself and I opened the book to chapter 6, page 47.. which is.. Life issues: Abortion.
Made me squeal with joy!!
Recently Iโ€™ve been more outspoken about abortion and advocating pro-life (which you already know).
Hereโ€™s my full of joy/cringey selfie with your book b r u h.
canโ€™t wait to dig in!! and possibly share this book with someone else! iโ€™ve got several people on my mind who could really give it a read as well.
THANK U BHorvath


I would like to believe that this lawsuit will bring changes in the way social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook censor Conservatives .....I doubt it.

Glad to be here!! Thanks for this wonderful creation!

Interesting. Two hair stylists that tested positive for COVID-19 did not infect any of their clients, because the stylists were wearing cloth masks.

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The Centers for Disease Control published a report highlighting the success of masks after two Springfield stylists contracted COVID-19.

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The Corn Siege