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still haven’t finished ‘UnConformed’ yet. However, I have had this book for a while and haven’t opened it yet. Now, I know there isn’t really a order of reading these books in, but I’m the type of reader who likes to read things in order, from which book came first.

Anyway, couldn’t help myself and I opened the book to chapter 6, page 47.. which is.. Life issues: Abortion.
Made me squeal with joy!!
Recently I’ve been more outspoken about abortion and advocating pro-life (which you already know).
Here’s my full of joy/cringey selfie with your book b r u h.
can’t wait to dig in!! and possibly share this book with someone else! i’ve got several people on my mind who could really give it a read as well.
THANK U BHorvath


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The Corn Siege