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If i was just given the article to read, i would have thought i was reading Black Lives Matter Activist's write ups.
There is the narrative of oppressor (evil) and victim (noble) - the truth being all are sinners.
There is the narrative of i'm guilty because my great great great grandfather had slaves and i'm oppressed because my great, great, great grandfather was a slave the truth being we are accountable for our actions not our ancestor's.
It's sad that marxism is so influential in that these Christian leaders buy into it and the best part is they don't even realize it.
Thoughts ? Do you think i am off base here in thinking that way after reading this.
These are senior leaders, so maybe i'm wrong ?
p.s also it's not really scriptural to have exclusively red, black, yellow, brown or white churches

Influence Magazine | Where We Stand Shapes What We See

Influence Magazine | Where We Stand Shapes What We See

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