The list isn't an end-all, be-all, but a good start.
The list isn't an end-all, be-all, but a good start.
We see the heavy and still continual influence of the Enlightenment and the start of the new religion/philosophy of "Scientism" when the words "Follow the Science" is invoked. It's become the equivalent of "Amen".
If you haven't read this book yet, I highly recommend reading "The Price of Panic" and following it with Anthony Horvath's book about masks as well!
The Price of Panic: How the Tyranny of Experts Turned a Pandemic into a Catastrophe
The nation of Israel was blessed because their God was the Lord, Yahweh. Regardless of their transgressions and His punishment of them, Yahweh had chosen Israel and Israel made Yahweh their God. The psalmist wrote,
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,
the people whom he has chosen as his heritage! (Ps 33:12, ESV).
Now under the New Covenant, Yahweh has chosen all nations as His heritage, the question is has the nation accepted Him as Lord. Is the God of the Bible the Lord of the United States? Or has the United States chosen the god of personal comfort and safety, and the government as their Lord? It would seem with our response to lockdowns the later is the truth.
More to come on the first podcast, "The Church's response to the Lockdown: Episode 1." Coming soon, I promise. There is a lot more to putting a podcast together than I thought and I am still learning.
God Bless.
Quick vision statement: Corner Table is the tip of the spear; I aim to build an entirely new eco-system independent of the big tech/big corp/big gov stranglehold. Such an endeavor needs money, yes, but you will note I have not asked for money. Why? The money will take care of itself if.... we have enough users. Or, dare I say, citizens? So, use this site. Encourage others to do so as well. Gotta detox ourselves from the easy gratification of 'Big' in order to lay hold of the more more satisfying achievement of freedom and independence of being 'small.'
Can we be 'small' while being 'big'? I believe we can. I have a plan.
Skeptics Laugh, But Pascal's Wager Has the Goods On Them | The Stream