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4 yrs


The plight of mankind is the original sin of Adam. The only cure for this is an inward spiritual change that is accomplished through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.

For there is no truth in their mouth;
their inmost self is destruction;
their throat is an open grave;
they flatter with their tongue (Ps 5:9, ESV).

Homemade nachos


Working on the podcast tonight


We in the USA and around the world are about to celebrate the birth of the Savior of the world as told in several narratives in the New Testament. Followers of the Christ were called "Christians" first at Antioch. Before that they were "people of The Way". And we who believe in Jesus, who is the Christ, live in the hope of our salvation - the plan of God the Father to redeem mankind - and for all who believe.
That being said, the presumed author, Solomon, of Ecclesiastes writes in chapter 9:3-5 - "3 Itโ€™s terribly unfair for the same thing to happen to each of us. We are mean and foolish while we live, and then we die. 4 As long as we are alive, we still have hope, just as a live dog is better off than a dead lion. 5 We know that we will die, but the dead donโ€™t know a thing. Nothing good will happen to themโ€”they are gone and forgotten."
Solomon laments that all people - the "good" and the "sinner" - will physically die. Even so, it is still better to be alive with hope than dead without it! Awesome! While each person draws the breath of life he or she has access to the hope of salvation - the real Breath of Life!
Go with God today - and throughout the rest of 2020! The New Year - 2021 - will be ever so much more rewarding while we walk with Jesus than if we do not!
Psalm 119:25 - "I am at the point of death. Let your teachings breathe new life into me."
1 Thessalonians 3:8 - "Your strong faith in the Lord is like a breath of new life."




In Acts 4, Peter and John are brought before the council for proclaiming before the people the resurrection of Jesus and for healing of a lame beggar in Acts 3. When asked by what power they healed the man, Peter answered with the gospel (Acts 4:8-12). What boldness! After some debate among the Jewish leaders, they ordered the apostles not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus (Acts 4:18). Basically, the Jewish leaders were trying to shut down the early Christian movement and the church because it grew through the preaching and teaching of the gospel. However, Peter once again replies with boldness.

19 But Peter and John answered them, โ€œWhether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, you must judge, 20 for we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heardโ€ (Acts 4:19-20, ESV).

Where is this boldness today in the church? The government, through unconstitutional mandates, shut down the church and the proclaiming of the name of the risen Lord Jesus Christ. Where are the church leaders that will stand up against this form of totalitarianism? I know John MacArthur and the Grace Community Church has made a bold stance and refused to shut down services and I am sure there are a few others. However, by in large, the church has been compliant with the forsaking the assembly of the Saints. The church needs leaders who will stand up and say with boldness, โ€œWe cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard!โ€

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The Corn Siege