The nation of Israel was blessed because their God was the Lord, Yahweh. Regardless of their transgressions and His punishment of them, Yahweh had chosen Israel and Israel made Yahweh their God. The psalmist wrote,
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,
the people whom he has chosen as his heritage! (Ps 33:12, ESV).
Now under the New Covenant, Yahweh has chosen all nations as His heritage, the question is has the nation accepted Him as Lord. Is the God of the Bible the Lord of the United States? Or has the United States chosen the god of personal comfort and safety, and the government as their Lord? It would seem with our response to lockdowns the later is the truth.
More to come on the first podcast, "The Church's response to the Lockdown: Episode 1." Coming soon, I promise. There is a lot more to putting a podcast together than I thought and I am still learning.
God Bless.