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3 yrs - Youtube

I love his explanation of how his company has handled COVID, and in my opinion better than our lame government...

Quote from this segment, "But again, for the Left, it’s all about the power. If they don’t force you to do a thing, then you will definitely do the wrong thing. You need old slow Joe Biden telling you what to do…"

Any clear-eyed survey of our current situation is baffled by the abject stupidity and rampant contradictions that we are immersed in. (One example out of many: requiring masks and vaccines which don't prevent you from getting OR spreading COVID--a fact we've known for a LONG time). If you try to understand it by assuming that people are acting in good faith, but just making mistakes, etc, you can still make no sense of it, because many of these things are SO insane, you can't imagine anyone being so DUMB. There is one scenario, however, which makes sense of it all: They literally are trying to kill you.

I'm not saying this is the scenario in play. I'm saying that this scenario is at least as consistent with the observed facts as any other, and cannot be ruled out. And since it cannot be ruled out, one must live as thought it might be true.

Thought for Thursday, 01/27:
"You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." ~ John Viscount Morley

This is serious...

CA doctor blows whistle on medical board and it's incredibly disturbing

CA doctor blows whistle on medical board and it's incredibly disturbing

We are living in a world of pure EVIL right now. I'm almost at a loss for words.

this is crazy...

Why the FBI Unexpectedly Showed Up at Sherronna Bishop's Door

Why the FBI Unexpectedly Showed Up at Sherronna Bishop's Door

Sherronna Bishop, the founder of the activist group America's Mom, describes her family's ordeal when the FBI showed up at her door.

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The Corn Siege