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Thought for Tuesday, 01/04:
"Censorship reflects a society's lack of confidence in itself." ~ Justice Potter Stewart

Spirit and Soul
In Neil Diamond’s song Be ..
He sings about knowing, finding, hearing, heart undertaking - all activities of our mind, emotions and will (soul).
He also sings about one god making for ‘our’ way and slips in a sun god with a holy, holy.
Much like Lord, Lord ?
Listen to these two message to understand the significance of two vs three and holiness


Neil Diamond's ninth studio album, it won the 1974 Grammy as Best Original Score Written for a Motion Picture.
Be (sun god)


Albert Pike (1809 – 1891) american author, poet, orator, editor, lawyer, jurist and confederate general.
A prominent member of the Freemasons, Pike served as the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, Scottish Rite (Southern Jurisdiction, USA) from 1859 to 1889.
He talked about 3 coming world wars in 1871, 43 years before the first one started.


God instructed the House of Israel to build a seven-branched lampstand of pure gold
Exodus 25:31-40.

The almond tree is the first tree in Israel, which awakes from its winter sleep to life and blooms. Therefore, the white almond blossom is a symbol of life and purity

The lampstand’s shape reminds of a flowering tree of life. On each of the six side arms were 3 golden almond blossoms and together with the 4 on the center shaft, there were 22 almond blossoms.

Innumerable forms have been created over the centuries, but no one knows how the Menorahs looked exactly at the time of Moses and at the time of the first and second temples in Jerusalem.

P.s Dr. Max Nordau physician, author, social critic and co-founder of the Zionist Organization together with Theodor Herzl predicted the coming of World War 1, 11 years before it happened.




G.K.Chesterton (1841-1922)

Chesterton’s fence
There is war in the night, no man knowing whom he strikes …

Ethan Nicolle, creative director of The Babylon Bee interviews with Eric Metaxas about the book on his favorite writer/illustrator, Chesterton.
According to Ethan Nicolle, Chesterton mostly wrote about wonder, humility, ‘the fence’ and family.


How did The Magi from The East know ?


Proverbs 2:1-5 - "2 My son, if you accept my words
and store up my commands within you,
2 turning your ear to wisdom
and applying your heart to understanding—
3 indeed, if you call out for insight
and cry aloud for understanding,
4 and if you look for it as for silver
and search for it as for hidden treasure,
5 then you will understand the fear of the Lord
and find the knowledge of God."
Psalm 2:12c - " Blessed are all who take refuge in [the Lord's son]."
Who leads your daily activity? You? God? Someone else? Let me know if you know.

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The Corn Siege