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Interesting data - covid19 | ReTalk - Civil discussion for the centre and centre right

Interesting data - covid19 | ReTalk - Civil discussion for the centre and centre right

Thought for Sunday, 01/09:
"Nothing, at last, is sacred but the integrity of your own mind." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tonight, Fascistbook again threw me in Fecesbook Jail, for posting the truth about face diapers causing harm, again.

Happy New Year everyone. I hope 2022 is better than the last 3 years. It seems like we're getting past the virus. I hope the mid-term elections go well and place good people. May you grow in faith and wisdom this year.

Thought for Saturday, 01/08:
"Nothing is worse than active ignorance." ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

There is such a small leap between this and an outright affirmation of eugenics. Just think of a body 'spewing' an inferior human, or even just an 'extra' one (eg, beyond the earth's 'carrying capacity', and you have the same basis for government action. Here is your case in point for why 'liberals' are the fascist Nazis once you evaluate what they really believe. The 'left' will always find a reason for why the government should 'manage' human bodies, because that's the core principle of the 'left.' And why not? We're just animals. Nothing special. Biomechanical machines, that's all. SOMEONE has to manage us. And they are just the ones for the job, see?

Sonia Sotomayor: Why Can't OSHA Regulate a Human Body Like a Machine 'if It's Spewing a Virus?'

Sonia Sotomayor: Why Can't OSHA Regulate a Human Body Like a Machine 'if It's Spewing a Virus?'

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor compared human beings to machines when commenting in favor of OSHA's mandate for large businesses.

Where were you?

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One needn’t buy the Democrats’ politicized “insurrection” distortions about the January 6 Capitol riot to grasp that something precious is forever tarnished.

Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't this what the dem's did to pass obamacare?

Schumer DEFENDS The Filibuster: He Called Eliminating It A

Schumer DEFENDS The Filibuster: He Called Eliminating It A

Dems only like the rules when they help their side.

Since they are having open conversations about creating concentration camps for the unvaxxed (and actually creating them in some places), and discussing other extremely draconian measures... in so-called 'liberal democracies,' shouldn't we be continuing the discussion by suggesting that people who propose such things should be imprisoned and exiled, and stripped of all rights of citizenship? If they wish to propose the implementation of authoritarianism with a straight face, ought we not be proposing our responses to the implementation of authoritarianism with a straight face, as well?

It Begins: Cambridge Research Paper Pushes 'Authoritarian Power' to Halt 'Climate Change' – RedState

It Begins: Cambridge Research Paper Pushes 'Authoritarian Power' to Halt 'Climate Change' – RedState

What's a little "authoritarian power" vs. "the existential threat of our time"?

Thought for Friday, 01/07:
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others." ~ Groucho Marx

3 yrs - Youtube

For those wondering where I am churning all of this from 😼
It’s long, but well done. I don’t agree with everything said here but a lot of it is true.
It’s split into bite sized 10 minute sections (on average) so you can watch it over time in short pieces .
Titled Know Your Enemy

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The Corn Siege