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President Trump says John Bolton is a 'criminal', and he should 'go to jail', judiciary experts agree

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Donald Trump: John Bolton is a 'criminal' who should 'go to jail' - Washington Times

Donald Trump: John Bolton is a 'criminal' who should 'go to jail' - Washington Times

President Trump said in an interview that aired Tuesday that former National Security Adviser John R. Bolton is a "criminal" who should go to jail for publishing classified information.

Meme of the day: Bolton Gets The Boot, Always Does - The Daily Report

Meme of the day: Bolton Gets The Boot, Always Does - The Daily Report

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Not good if true.

Fake Noose – The NASCAR Bubba Wallace “Rope Noose” Was a Purposeful Hoax… | The Last Refuge

Fake Noose – The NASCAR Bubba Wallace “Rope Noose” Was a Purposeful Hoax… | The Last Refuge

Throughout the late evening and overnight hours we have been able to assemble definitive proof the NASCAR story of a noose hanging in the garage of drive Bubba Wallace is a hoax.  [Background Here] When the race team of Bubba Wallace arrived at Talla

Ovem lupo commitere

Listening to the "Fall of Rome" while taking care of laundry and other much needed mom stuff.



Jeremy Biddle and others....perhaps you can speak to this more than I can:


I'm not sure I understand. For example, yes, the school I teach at is predominantly white. But, that's not because it is racist, it's because of where it is located. Many years before I started to teach, there were two other Lutheran High schools in predominantly black neighborhoods. Enrollment for both of those schools dropped and the schools were closed.

The petition/website says that not one black seminarian is enrolled. But how is that systemic racism? When I attended the seminary there were loads of people of color, professors included.

Jeremy Biddle A little help, please? (and others)

Petition · A Call for Racial Justice Reform in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod ·

Petition · A Call for Racial Justice Reform in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod ·

A Call for Racial Justice Reform in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
5 yrs - Youtube

Lansing, Michigan

5 yrs - Youtube

What Does Black America Want?

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The Corn Siege