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Jeremy Biddle and others....perhaps you can speak to this more than I can:


I'm not sure I understand. For example, yes, the school I teach at is predominantly white. But, that's not because it is racist, it's because of where it is located. Many years before I started to teach, there were two other Lutheran High schools in predominantly black neighborhoods. Enrollment for both of those schools dropped and the schools were closed.

The petition/website says that not one black seminarian is enrolled. But how is that systemic racism? When I attended the seminary there were loads of people of color, professors included.

Jeremy Biddle A little help, please? (and others)

Petition · A Call for Racial Justice Reform in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod ·

Petition · A Call for Racial Justice Reform in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod ·

A Call for Racial Justice Reform in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod

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