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The Five Pilgrims

The Five Pilgrims

Is the very idea of a Christian mind an oxymoron?  Non-Christians and even many Christians seem to think so!  To see why they are wrong, we need first of all to see the truth of our first thesis on…

Objection is often raised even by some sound in the faith regarding the exposure of error as being entirely negative and of no real edification.

Of late, the hue and cry has been against any and all negative teaching

. But the brethren who assume this attitude forget that a large part of the New Testament, both of the teaching of our blessed Lord Himself and the writings of the apostles, is made up of this very character of ministry — namely, showing the Satanic origin and, therefore, the unsettling results of the propagation of erroneous systems which Peter, in his second epistle, so definitely refers to as ‘damnable heresies.’ “ ~Harry Ironside

How do I sign up for this job?

#beer #archeology

The Beer Archaeologist  | History      | Smithsonian Magazine

The Beer Archaeologist | History | Smithsonian Magazine

By analyzing ancient pottery, Patrick McGovern is resurrecting the libations that fueled civilization

My last can of Urban South HTX
Double Spilled Fruited Sour Blueberry Pie
ABV 5%



I often encounter devoted, committed Christians who are hesitant to embrace an evidential faith.

In many Christian circles, faith that requires evidential support is seen as weak and inferior.

For many, blind faith (a faith that simply trusts without question) is the truest, most sincere, and most valuable form of faith that we can offer God.

Yet Jesus seemed to have high regard for evidence. In John 14:11, He told those watching Him examine 'the evidence of miracles' (NIV) if they did not believe what He said about His identity.

Even after the resurrection, Jesus stayed with His disciples for an additional forty days and provided them with 'many convincing proofs' that He was resurrected and was who He claimed to be (Acts 1:2-3 NIV). Jesus understood the role and value of evidence and the importance of developing an evidential faith.

It’s time for all of us, as Christians, to develop a similarly reasonable faith. – J Warner Wallace (from Cold-Case Christianity, H/T Apologetics 315)

We are reading through the book of Psalms and Proverbs in our related group. You can still join there as well as join to get the reading plan.
Currently, we are on Day 11.

James Gay shared a post  
4 yrs - Youtube

4 yrs

Holy Freakn' Moly! Insurrection Act signed!?

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The Corn Siege