You Got Your Coffee For Morning
Keep On Truckin Coffee
You Got Your Coffee For Morning
Keep On Truckin Coffee
Madonna (Democrat): "Let's blow up the white house!"
Peter Fonda (Democrat): "Lock 10 year old Barren Trump in a cage with child molesters."
Johnny Depp (Democrat): "We need another John Wilks Booth!"
Tom Arnold (Democrat): "I fantasize about standing over Donald Trump Jr.'s dead body!"
Kathy Griffith (Democrat): Holds up a bloody, decapitated head of Donald Trump
Snoop Dog: (Democrat): Shoots a likeness of Trump in a music video, has Donald Trump in a body bag on his album cover
Joe Biden (Democratic presidential hopeful): "I'd like to take Trump behind a barn to beat him."
Corey Booker (Democratic presidential hopeful): "I dream of punching Trump in the face."
Maxine Waters (Sitting Democratic congresswoman) "Harass Trump's staff and supporters in public and refuse to serve them."
But according to the left-wing media/DNC talking points, it's Trump with the hateful rhetoric.
Not an original work of "Apologetics for Everyone", but from another group covering NT Textual Criticism
This is a project aiming to visualize the gap between autographs and extant significant MSS/fragments for various ancient works. I've also done my best to portray how many early texts (arbitrarily limited to 500 years) exist for each of these works.
Primary and Secondary D-Text Witnesses
From E.J. Epp, “Early Christian Attitudes toward ‘Things Jewish’ as Narrated by Textual Variants in Acts: A Case Study of the D-Textual Cluster” in Bridging between Sister Religions: Studies of Jewish and Christian Scriptures Offered in Honor of Prof. John T. Townsend, edited by Isaac Kalimi. Brill Reference Library of Judaism 51 (Ledien: Brill, 2016), 142-143, 146-147.
D-Text Witnesses caveat: “As will be apparent in the following pages, all D-Textual Cluster witnesses are ‘mixed’--possessing numerous variants supported by other D-witnesses, but also containing many readings characteristic of the B-Textual Cluster or rht Byzantine Text. Obviously, what distinguishes the D-Text primary witnesses from the D-secondary ones is the quantity of D-Text supportive variants” (147).
Primary Witnesses (with century listed in Roman numeral, followed by extant material)
Greek Papyri: P29 (III; Acts 26:7-8, 2; P38 (III; Acts 18:27-19:6, 12-16); P48 (III; Acts 23:11-17, 25-29); P127 (V; Acts 10:32-35, 40-45; 11:2-5, 11:30-12:3, 5, 7-9; 15:29-30, 34-41; 16:1-4, 13-40; 17:1-1;
Greek Majuscule: 05 (ca. 400; Acts, except for 8:29-10:14; 21:2-10, 16-18; 22:10-20, 29-end)
Old Latin (with Beuron numbers and manuscript names): d (5, Bezae Latin, ca. 400; Acts); h (55, Fleury palimpsest, V; Acts 3:2-4:18; 5:23-7:2; 7:42-8:2; 9:4-24; 14:5-23; 17:34-18:19; 23:8-24; 26:20-27:13); l (67, León palimpsest, VII; Acts, Old Latin portions: 8:27-11:13; 15:6-12, 26-38 [other portions are Vulgate])
Middle Egyptian Coptic: copG67 (IV-V, Acts 1:1-15:3; NA28 = mae; UBS = meg)
Syriac: sy-hmg (616 c.e.; the marginal readings originated from Gk mss consulted by Thomas of Harkel); sy-h*(616 c.e.; the marginal readings originated from Gk mss consulted by Thomas of Harkel); sy-msK or sy-pal msk (Palestinian Syriac Manuscript K [Khirbet Mird], VI, Acts 10:28-29,32-41)
Patristic Writings: Irenaeus (II; Gk, but preserved largely in Latin); Tertullian (ca. 160 - 220; Latin); Augustin (354-430; Latin); Ephrem of Syria (306-373; Syriac).
Secondary Witnesses (with century listed in Roman numeral, followed by extant material)
Greek Majuscule 08 (VI; Acts but lacking 26:29-28:26
Old Latin (with Beuron numbers and manuscript names):
ar (61, Codex Ardmachanus = Book of Armagh; IX; many Old Latin readings)
c (6, Codex Colbertinus; XII; Acts)
dem (59, Codex Demidovianus; XIII; Acts)
e (50, Codex Laudianus [Latin side]; VI; Acts, lacking 1:1-2; 26:30-28:25)
g2 (52 Fragmenta Mediolanensia, lectionary; X-XI; Acts 6:8-7:2; 7:51-8:4)
gig (51 Codex Gigas; XIII; Acts)
p (54, Codex Perpinianensis, XII; Acts 1:1-13:6 28:16-31 are Old Latin)
ph (XII, Acts)
r (57, Codex Schlettstadtensis, lectionary, VII/VII; Acts 2:1-3:13; 4:31-5:11; 7:2-10; 8:9-9:22, 36-42; 12:1-17; 19:4-17)
ro (62, Codex Rodensis; X; Acts)
s (53, Codex Bobbiensis, palimpsest; VI; Acts 23:15-23; 24:4-31)
sin (74, Sinai, Arab. MS 455; liturgical Fragment, Mount Sinai, St. Catherine’s MOnastery; X; Acts 10:36-40; 13:14-16, 26-3
t (56, Liber comicus, lectionary, VII-XI; Acts 1:1-26; 2:1-47; 4:1-3, 19-20; 4:32-5:16, 19-32; 6:1-7:2; 7:51-8:4, 14-40; 9:1-22, 32-42; 10:25-43; 13:26-39; (some Old Latin readings also appear in the Vulgate portions)
w (58, Codex Wernigerodensis; XIV/XV; Acts)
Latin Vulgate: vg (Latin Vulgate, IV-V; Acts)
Coptic versions: (copSa; III and later; Acts)
Syriac Versions:
syP (Peshitta, first half of V; Acts)
syH (Harclean, 616 C.E; Acts
Other Versions: Ethiopic (ca. 50; Armenian (5th and later; Old Georgian (V and later; Provençal; Teplensis; Bohemian
Latin patristic writings:
Ps-Cyprianic tract: de rebaptismate (IV)
Ambrosiaster (366-384)
Cassiodorus (ca. 485- after 58
Hilary (35-367)
Lucifer of Cagliari (c. 371)
Ps-Vigilius of Thapsus tract: Contra Varimadum (IV-V).
This article is "After fifty years, this essay, in part, revisits portions of the author’s The Theological Tendency of Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis in Acts (Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series 3; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1966), now with frequent text-critical updates, reformulations and refinements in statements and argumentation, and new methodological evidence and conclusions." (Eldon J. Epp)
I haven't vetted this yet, but