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Did you know CornerTable has a promotional program for pages and groups interested in moving from "the other site" to CornerTable?

Cornertable often runs promotional campaigns in order to expand our user base.

There is no maximum for any one group/page, but the campaign will be over once 4,000 new users have registered by all of the participating groups/pages combined.

We are launching a membership drive to reward groups and organizations with a fair number of followers to migrate and/or expand to Cornertable.

In the current climate, many people are concerned they are going to be ejected from Big Tech sites, and are looking for new homes.

Or, people desperately want to escape Big Tech out of principle but wish their favorite groups and pages would move elsewhere as well.

That's where this campaign comes in.

For a limited time only, Cornertable will pay 10 cents for each user that a page or group brings to Cornertable. Here is how to do it:

The page/group administrator must, obviously, register with Cornertable. They must then create a page or group on the Cornertable platform. There is NO charge for this, nor will there ever be one.

Then, they must go into their personal profile to get their referral link.

Only those people who sign up for using that referral link AND then ALSO like/join your page or group will qualify for the ten cents per user.

We do check for fraudulent registrations.

Find out more at this link:

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New Jersey is number one with the most deaths followed by New York but yet have the strictest regulations.

Texas is 24 on the list.

Have people lost perspective on data?


Country Outlook

Country Outlook

The rate of coronavirus deaths in the state of New Jersey is around 260 per 100,000 people, which is the highest fatality rate in the U.S.

Noah Revisited:
Was the flood regional or global is a good debate. The text's use of world could be used of regional or larger.

My position is a global flood best fits the case; however, Hebrew Scholar often make the case for a localized flood. Below is one such argument from a Hebrew Scholar. What do you think?

"The argument for a local flood proceeds along several trajectories aside from scientific arguments. Our concern is with the biblical text and its own evidence for a local flood. First, the phrases in the flood narrative that suggest a global event occur a number of times in the Hebrew Bible where their context cannot be global or include all people on the planet. For example the phrase, "the whole earth" (lol erets) occurs in passages that clearly speak of localized geography (eg. Gen 13:9; 41:57; Lev 25:9, 24; Judges 6:37; I Sam 13:3; 2 Sam 24:8). In such cases, "whole land" or "all the people in the area" are better understandings. Those options produce a regional flood event if used in Genesis 6-8 where the phrase occurs.

Second, Gen 9:19 clearly informs us that "the whole earth" as populated by the Sons of Noah. Genesis 10 (see 10:1) gives us the list of the nations spawned by the sons of Noah--all of which are located in the regions of the ancient Near East, the Mediterranean, and the Aegean. The biblical writers knew nothing of nations in another hemisphere or places like India, China, or Australia. The language of Genesis 10, therefore, allows Genesis 7:21 to be restricted to only (or even some) of the people listed in the Table of nations. That interpretation is consistent with a localized flood.

Third, the phrase "all humankind" (lol 'adam) used in Genesis 7:21 also appears in context that cannot speak to all humans everywhere (eg Jer 32:20; Psalm 64:9 can only refer to people who had seen what God had done, not people on the other side of the world). Lastly, Psalm 104:9 appears to forbid a global flood, since it has God promising to never cover the earth with water as had been the case at creation."

Linda Harris shared a post  
4 yrs - Youtube

Get your houses in order my brethren! ❤ Proverbs 9 ❤

4 yrs

Finance Fascists: The Credit Chokehold That Will Bankrupt America | Glenn TV

I can connect with moms in all seasons. I’ve always felt akward though. I’m not old, but I’m older than most moms with kids the age of my youngers. But I’m not as old as the moms who have adult kids & grandkids even though I have 5 grands. I’m caught in between. I’m older than the moms who want to do play dates but not as old as the moms who want to play Bingo. 😂😂. I have learned to be all things to all moms. 😂😂


4 yrs - Youtube

Will the Koran Be Your Child’s Next Textbook? - Return to Order

Will the Koran Be Your Child’s Next Textbook? - Return to Order

Will the Koran Be Your Child’s Next Textbook? Modern Muhammadans are using America’s schools to make Islam more acceptable to Christians everywhere...



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The Corn Siege