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Good morning kids of the cigar and bourbon. Hoping to get to hang out with my good friend Dave Christiansen today at Mr. J's Havana Cigar's.

Good morning kids, busy day, bill paying, food shopping and the very good possibility of a great cigar and bourbon date with some great friend's this afternoon. Be back later. Hope to see my friend Dave Christiansen today.

“When they persecute you in one town, flee to the next, for truly, I say to you, you will not have gone through all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes.”
Matthew 10:23


“Go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.’ For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.””
Matthew 9:13


“But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.”
Matthew 10:30-31


Day 3 #ntin70

Matthew 9, 10, 11, & 12


Day 62

Numbers 26 & 27
Mark 8:22-38
Mark 9:1

#readwiththefrog #bibleinayear

Cain had a personal relationship with God:

Hebrews 11:4

Many speculate why Abel's sacrifice was better than Cain's. Some believe it was the type of sacrifice offered that made Abel's better. Abel sacrificed an animal and Cain fruit. Others say Cain's sacrifice lacked because it was the last fruit, whereas Abel's was the first fruit. While some of these have merit as God both designs the means and results, a more significant issue was at stake as noted in Hebrews: Abel believed God; Cain did not.

This is not to say Cain didn't believe God existed. He did. Cain talked and communicated with God. One of the great dialogs with God in the early chapters of Genesis is between God and Cain. As well, this dialog does not seem to be their first, but perhaps one of many. Cain could not deny the existence of God.

What is the difference between Abel, who did believe, and Cain, who did not?

Let's look at Cain. Cain could say what many people say today; he has a personal relationship with God. After all, he communicated with God--talked to him one-on-one. Outwardly, Cain sacrificed to the Lord and brought the labors of his hand to God. Cain would appear to be an evangelical. He spent time with God, sacrificed to God, and had a personal relationship with God. However, Cain did not have faith. His sacrifice was rejected.

Abel had faith in God. This faith started with believing God's word. In believing God's Word, Abel believed the promises of God were true. Thus when Abel sacrificed, he believed God was the great one who would redeem Abel through the "seed of a woman." He believed the fall of his father and mother required salvation, and he believed the Savior would come to crush this sin. Abel was word-centered (Hebrews 11:3), and he had assurance in God's promise for redemption (Hebrews 11:1). As such, Abel lived his belief, and God accepted the sacrifice.

Cain did not have faith in God's promises, nor did he see his need for redemption. Even despite his personal relationship with God, Cain's sacrifice sought to gain favor with God whereas Abel's was to worship.

Abel's sacrifice was accepted, and though Abel was murdered, we see the faith of Abel, are encouraged, and learn how we must approach the throne of God.

Christians should be wary that we are not entirely focused on a "relationship with God" that we stop believing God's Word, fail to see our utter need of God, believe our righteous acts should gain us merit. Rather, we should come to God needful of God's grace.

4 yrs - Youtube

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The Corn Siege