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Our children and grandchildren may yet curse the day we began hyping race and ethnicity. There are countries where that has led to slaughters in the streets but you cannot name a country where it has led to greater harmony. The left needs us divided. What easier way to divide someone than by race? It's the most obvious one, except maybe gender, which they also use to divide us.

Thomas Sowell July 7, 2019



Thought for Wednesday, 04/07:
"Most advances in science come when a person for one reason or another is forced to change fields." ~ Peter Borden

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An Outpouring of the Holy Spirit is Coming to Those Who Honor His Presence - Roman Catholic Man

An Outpouring of the Holy Spirit is Coming to Those Who Honor His Presence - Roman Catholic Man

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4 yrs - Youtube

Was the Bible Doctored by the Early Church?

There is a widespread belief among both professional scholars and laymen that the Bible now used by Christians is significantly altered from the historical documents upon which it was based. This, they say, is because of the Church’s agenda to make Jesus a divine figure. What is the truth?


Was the Bible Doctored by the Early Church? – Christian Publishing House Blog

Was the Bible Doctored by the Early Church? – Christian Publishing House Blog

There is a widespread belief among both professional scholars and laymen that the Bible now used by Christians is significantly altered from the historical documents upon which it was based.  This, they say, is because of the Church’s agenda to make

Was the Bible Doctored by the Early Church?

There is a widespread belief among both professional scholars and laymen that the Bible now used by Christians is significantly altered from the historical documents upon which it was based. This, they say, is because of the Church’s agenda to make Jesus a divine figure. What is the truth?


Was the Bible Doctored by the Early Church? – Christian Publishing House Blog

Was the Bible Doctored by the Early Church? – Christian Publishing House Blog

There is a widespread belief among both professional scholars and laymen that the Bible now used by Christians is significantly altered from the historical documents upon which it was based.  This, they say, is because of the Church’s agenda to make

Been a bit too busy since the freeze to get online very much. With that said, I lost my bee hives due to the freeze, so I took them all apart, cleaned them up, removed honey boxes, and now just have 4 deep supers set to restart. I'm getting packages of bees this Friday, so hopefully it'll all be back to normal out there soon. I did have a few stragglers coming for the pollen when I opened up the frames. Not very many though - maybe 10. It's a pretty sad thing to see that few. So, I left two of the honey medium boxes set up for them to extract what they want, and hopefully even catch a swarm. I'll see on Friday.

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The Corn Siege