Interesting data here: This the the HHS’ website for reporting vaccination adverse events. It looks like there have been more than 2100 deaths linked to COVID vaccinations... SO FAR!!!
Here is my print-screen of the data page:
Next Sunday, April 11, 2021, we will be having live streamed and in person services at the Chapel.
We will be live streaming our worship service at 11:15 a.m. To watch, go to our Facebook page (under videos).
In person services will include: 9:30 a.m. communion service
10 a.m. Sunday School, adult Sunday school taught by Tom Cantor
11:55 a.m. refreshments
11:15 a.m. Worship Service, sermon by Retired missionary Dr. Sam Burton
Finally finished getting the last (for now) hugelkulture beds dug for my blackberries and grapes. I have planted blackberries in the first 3 that were dug a while back and need to finish the 4th one. Then the final 2 will have grapes along them. I've only set up my trellis wire turnbuckle set on the first one but have the materials to finish the rest soon after planting. Trenches are 2+ feet deep and 3 feet wide and filled with lots of pruned branches and trees and stumps etc from neighbor yards as well as my own. Then just topped back off with the soil from the trench. Rabbit droppings are spread across them and I will add the large flake pine shavings on top of that once this wind dies down.
Finally finished getting the last (for now) hugelkulture beds dug for my blackberries and grapes. I have planted blackberries in the first 3 that were dug a while back and need to finish the 4th one. Then the final 2 will have grapes along them. I've only set up my trellis wire turnbuckle set on the first one but have the materials to finish the rest soon after planting. Trenches are 2+ feet deep and 3 feet wide and filled with lots of pruned branches and trees and stumps etc from neighbor yards as well as my own. Then just topped back off with the soil from the trench. Rabbit droppings are spread across them and I will add the large flake pine shavings on top of that once this wind dies down.
Finally finished getting the last (for now) hugelkulture beds dug for my blackberries and grapes. I have planted blackberries in the first 3 that were dug a while back and need to finish the 4th one. Then the final 2 will have grapes along them. I've only set up my trellis wire turnbuckle set on the first one but have the materials to finish the rest soon after planting. Trenches are 2+ feet deep and 3 feet wide and filled with lots of pruned branches and trees and stumps etc from neighbor yards as well as my own. Then just topped back off with the soil from the trench. Rabbit droppings are spread across them and I will add the large flake pine shavings on top of that once this wind dies down.
Finally finished getting the last (for now) hugelkulture beds dug for my blackberries and grapes. I have planted blackberries in the first 3 that were dug a while back and need to finish the 4th one. Then the final 2 will have grapes along them. I've only set up my trellis wire turnbuckle set on the first one but have the materials to finish the rest soon after planting. Trenches are 2+ feet deep and 3 feet wide and filled with lots of pruned branches and trees and stumps etc from neighbor yards as well as my own. Then just topped back off with the soil from the trench. Rabbit droppings are spread across them and I will add the large flake pine shavings on top of that once this wind dies down.
Finally finished getting the last (for now) hugelkulture beds dug for my blackberries and grapes. I have planted blackberries in the first 3 that were dug a while back and need to finish the 4th one. Then the final 2 will have grapes along them. I've only set up my trellis wire turnbuckle set on the first one but have the materials to finish the rest soon after planting. Trenches are 2+ feet deep and 3 feet wide and filled with lots of pruned branches and trees and stumps etc from neighbor yards as well as my own. Then just topped back off with the soil from the trench. Rabbit droppings are spread across them and I will add the large flake pine shavings on top of that once this wind dies down.