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The James Ossuary: The Earliest Witness to Jesus and His Family?

One of the earliest and most important discoveries relating to the historicity of Jesus and members of his family is the limestone bone-box (called an ossuary, a container in which the bones of dead people are placed) made known to the public in October 2002. Ossuaries were used by Israel from about the second-century B.C. until the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. Over ten thousand such ossuaries have been discovered but only about one hundred contain inscriptions. Of these, only two have an identification similar to the one etched in the now famous and somewhat controversial “James Ossuary.” The entire Aramaic inscription reads, “Jacob (James), son of Joseph, brother of Jesus” (Ya’akov bar Yosef akhui di Yeshua).


The James Ossuary: The Earliest Witness to Jesus and His Family? – Christian Publishing House Blog

The James Ossuary: The Earliest Witness to Jesus and His Family? – Christian Publishing House Blog

One of the earliest and most important discoveries relating to the historicity of Jesus and members of his family is the limestone bone-box (called an ossuary, a container in which the bones of dead people are placed) made known to the public in Octo

The James Ossuary: The Earliest Witness to Jesus and His Family?

One of the earliest and most important discoveries relating to the historicity of Jesus and members of his family is the limestone bone-box (called an ossuary, a container in which the bones of dead people are placed) made known to the public in October 2002. Ossuaries were used by Israel from about the second-century B.C. until the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. Over ten thousand such ossuaries have been discovered but only about one hundred contain inscriptions. Of these, only two have an identification similar to the one etched in the now famous and somewhat controversial “James Ossuary.” The entire Aramaic inscription reads, “Jacob (James), son of Joseph, brother of Jesus” (Ya’akov bar Yosef akhui di Yeshua).


The James Ossuary: The Earliest Witness to Jesus and His Family? – Christian Publishing House Blog

The James Ossuary: The Earliest Witness to Jesus and His Family? – Christian Publishing House Blog

One of the earliest and most important discoveries relating to the historicity of Jesus and members of his family is the limestone bone-box (called an ossuary, a container in which the bones of dead people are placed) made known to the public in Octo

What Is the Staurogram From Early Church History? (c. 150-200 C.E.)

The so-called ‘staurogram’ is a device that likewise seems to have been deployed in early Christian manuscripts as an expression of Christian faith. Specifically, the earliest Christian uses of the device are as part of the way that the words σταυρος (‘cross’) and σταυροω (‘crucify’) are written in some early manuscripts containing NT texts. The ‘staurogram’ comprises our earliest visual references to the crucified Jesus.


What Is the Staurogram From Early Church History? (c. 150-200 C.E.) – Christian Publishing House Blog

What Is the Staurogram From Early Church History? (c. 150-200 C.E.) – Christian Publishing House Blog

The so-called ‘staurogram’ is a device that likewise seems to have been deployed in early Christian manuscripts as an expression of Christian faith. Specifically, the earliest Christian uses of the device are as part of the way that the words σταυρος

What Is the Staurogram From Early Church History? (c. 150-200 C.E.)

The so-called ‘staurogram’ is a device that likewise seems to have been deployed in early Christian manuscripts as an expression of Christian faith. Specifically, the earliest Christian uses of the device are as part of the way that the words σταυρος (‘cross’) and σταυροω (‘crucify’) are written in some early manuscripts containing NT texts. The ‘staurogram’ comprises our earliest visual references to the crucified Jesus.


What Is the Staurogram From Early Church History? (c. 150-200 C.E.) – Christian Publishing House Blog

What Is the Staurogram From Early Church History? (c. 150-200 C.E.) – Christian Publishing House Blog

The so-called ‘staurogram’ is a device that likewise seems to have been deployed in early Christian manuscripts as an expression of Christian faith. Specifically, the earliest Christian uses of the device are as part of the way that the words σταυρος

Daniel went into training to become a court worker, and Nebuchadnezzar soon had dreams that his magicians, enchanters, sorcerers and astrologers could not interpret. Having heard the king was going to kill the failed "wise men", Daniel and his friends included, Daniel wisely and tactfully inquired of the sentence and went to ask the king for time to prepare the interpretation of the dream.
Daniel 2:17-18 - "Then Daniel went to his house, and showed the matter to Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah his companions,
18 That they should beseech the God of heaven for grace in this secret, that Daniel and his fellows should not perish with the rest of the wise men of Babel."
In fact, Daniel asked the king's man, Arioch, to delay the deaths of all the "wise men"!
God answered their prayers and revealed the meaning of the dream to Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel "...answered and said, The Name of God be praised forever and ever: for wisdom and strength are his." C2v20
The outcome?
King Nebuchadnezzar fell prostrated before Daniel, placed Daniel in a "high position", in charge of all the "wise men" and ruler of the entire province of Babylon!! And Daniel's three companions were named administrators in Babylon as well on Daniel's request!
OH, to have friends in high places! Who is the "One on High"? Yes - God!




Proverbs 10:11 Updated American Standard Version (UASV) 11 The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence.


DAILY DEVOTIONAL SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 2021 – Christian Publishing House Blog

DAILY DEVOTIONAL SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 2021 – Christian Publishing House Blog

Proverbs 10:11 Updated American Standard Version (UASV) 11 The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life,     but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence.

UASV The Book of Joshua Translated and Online

Maybe Each Time We Post a New Bible Book that Has Been Completed, You Click the Link and give a $5.00 Donation, As the Tab Is at The Top.


Updated American Standard Version – Christian Publishing House Blog

Updated American Standard Version – Christian Publishing House Blog

Scroll down to see the links to each of the Bible books below this brief introduction. Our primary purpose is to give the Bible readers what God said by way of his human authors, not what a translator thinks God meant in its place.—Truth Matters! Our

UASV The Book of Joshua Translated and Online

Maybe Each Time We Post a New Bible Book that Has Been Completed, You Click the Link and give a $5.00 Donation, As the Tab Is at The Top.


Updated American Standard Version – Christian Publishing House Blog

Updated American Standard Version – Christian Publishing House Blog

Scroll down to see the links to each of the Bible books below this brief introduction. Our primary purpose is to give the Bible readers what God said by way of his human authors, not what a translator thinks God meant in its place.—Truth Matters! Our

UASV The Book of Joshua Translated and Online

Maybe Each Time We Post a New Bible Book that Has Been Completed, You Click the Link and give a $5.00 Donation, As the Tab Is at The Top.


Updated American Standard Version – Christian Publishing House Blog

Updated American Standard Version – Christian Publishing House Blog

Scroll down to see the links to each of the Bible books below this brief introduction. Our primary purpose is to give the Bible readers what God said by way of his human authors, not what a translator thinks God meant in its place.—Truth Matters! Our

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