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Thought for Thursday, 05/26:
"If you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor." ~ Albert Einstein

I have definitely had a shift in my views on whether or not it is worth my time to try to persuade people to X point of view. I can roughly point to gay marriage and the trans movement that came from it as the genesis of this. If you can't recognize the difference between a boy and a girl, no persuasion is possible. You may as well argue with a convinced solipsist. I still feel that two or three decades ago it was worth getting out there and debating ideas, but maybe I am wrong even about that. To me, it feels like about 1935 or so in Nazi Germany. That is, the die has been cast, and now there is nothing for it but to try to get through it, alive.

I was thinking about this when viewing a comment elsewhere on social media in response to someone advocating for having armed guards in the schools. The response was "this would not be necessary in a civilized society."

And I wondered, how could she not know that there is no such thing? Insofar as we perceive that society is civilized, it is the result of effective checks and balances against the 'uncivilized.' To wit, it is because of armed men that we enjoy the shreds of civility that we think we have. These would be the ones, in the first place, who stand watch for us in the military, and then the ones that we send into harms way during mass shootings, but also the individuals who are equipped to defend others in the moment before anyone else can arrive (who, if this woman had her way, would be kept defenseless.)

There are other checks and balances, too, because 'uncivilized' takes many shapes (eg, Fauci, Lehman Brothers, etc), but once the barbarians are in the gates, there is no more talk of checks and balances. If people are hungry enough, civility is the first thing to go. It is every man for himself.

This woman clearly knows none of this, although it is almost as plain as understanding what boys and girls are. Do I tell her, since she does not know?

No. I scroll on. There is no saving these people from the calamity that grows against them, in large part for the simple reason that it is they themselves that are fueling the conditions for the calamity.

2 yrs - Youtube

So sad that this innocent disabled man from a family of veterans has to shut down his small business and move out of his home thanks to His Majesty Lord Biden !

With five ‘mass extinction’ notches on mother nature’s belt she marches on in her cold, ruthless, brutal, impersonal way.
That’s why progressives celebrate mothers using abortion as a choice; because after all they are merely emulating old grandma 👵 mother nature !
In memory of the victims of this bs mother nature mass extinction ideology.


There have been apparently five completely arbitrary mass extinctions in our planetary history. We are allegedly heading for the sixth one which is the first unnatural one.

This type of thinking utterly devalues human life and makes human initiated genocides much more digestible.

Some would argue they justify them as necessary … even desirable !

After all, mother nature did it for no apparent rhyme or reason; and we humans should therefore learn from mother nature and do it better !

i.e For a noble reason such as

1. Improving human genetic stock e.g Hitler

2. Getting rid of deplorable-domestic terrorists who are in the way of progress e.g all the enlightened progressive socialists like Mao/Lenin/Stalin etc.

Truth & Freedom


Thought for Wednesday, 05/25:
"The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one's real and one's declared aims, one turns as it were instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish spurting out ink." ~ George Orwell


Thought for Tuesday, 05/24:
"Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so, too." ~ Voltaire

The Set Goal

"What indeed has Athens to do with Jerusalem ? What concord is there between the academy and the church ? What between heretics and Christians ?"

- Tertullian

Tertullian's answer was "nothing." There is a sense in which this is true, and another in which it is tragically false. Its failure to distinguish between the two has led the church into the depths of idiocy.

- Donald Williams


A salt and light relationship - described by The Lord Jesus Christ in (Matthew 5:13-16) - that is the catalyst for change.
Athens is not static and neither is Jerusalem. The goal is set however, as opposed to the so-called ‘progressive’ state described by Paul in his letter to Timothy - ‘Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth’ (2 Tim 3:7)


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The Corn Siege