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One short paper to work on this week, but it's light and easy to write *whew* so taking it a little slower this week with assignments.
Looking forward for light reading tonight, Clay Jones "Why Does God allow Evil"

Why Does God Allow Evil?: Compelling Answers for Life’s Toughest Questions by Clay Jones

Why Does God Allow Evil?: Compelling Answers for Life’s Toughest Questions by Clay Jones

Why Does God Allow Evil? book. Read 13 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. If you are looking for one book to make sense of the pr...

Learn a new word today: Ultracrepidarianism

I was in discussion with a doctorate student in a different field (I use the word doctorate to distinguish from grad meaning Masters because there is sometimes a difference in the two and discussions). We were talking about the tensions between not wanting to be in an academic bubble, but also the frustration of feeling isolated sometimes as a doctoral student working toward being a candidate.

She shared she hesitates telling people her field or dissertation, because suddenly everyone is an expert and offers her opinions or thoughts about her field of study.

When she politely offers what she has researched or has learn from the sources she does have access and knows others don't, it tires her how the conversation turns to an argument and she simply closes her eyes and regrets saying anything.

Though she gets they are trying to be helpful, she wished many times people will simply say "Cool" and offer a much-needed plate of cookies and especially coffee after a long night of studying and research.

She knows people mean well, but wish for better understanding, while they have Google, she has spent more time and focus on her study of the topic and used materials she has access to and was taught how to find unlike simply Googling.

Maybe understand its not pride or trying to be arrogant, but some people actually have more access to information others don't and have more expertise than others. It's called "Academic humility"

We both agreed, Google PhD is plentiful.

We struggle with wanting to bring the human side of academics at this level but find our circle small and sometimes self-censoring because, for us, we feel caught now between two worlds.

Harder especially like me, when the individual is a mom with kids, and we both crave academic discussions and encouragement. Still, for us, our minds are filled with more than chores, kids, and Fortnite, but at night or during the day, we jump between two worlds were in one, we are debating and discussing conversations challenging us how we think, feel and see the world and in the other, we are being asked for more chocolate milk.

She asked if I find myself hiding the fact I am working on a doctorate, and I share yes. It's like hiding a secret because I don't know how people will react, and its often not supportive, and as moms, students, and people, we do crave the need for support and encouragement. Having our family as our cheerleaders help, and I think I may end up turning this into a blog post. Still, end of the day, it's frustrating to sit, smile, and grapple with "wanting to be normal," and on the other hand, our brains are juggling methodologies and comparative data studies which are more than "this is just how it is."

We joked, if anyone can see the mind of a doctorate student, it would be a bit terrifying because it takes any topic and principle, and viciously dissects and breaks it apart, due to it is essential to do so in our field.

So be kind to your friend-spouse etc. working on a doctorate.

You may see the waves on the ocean, but they are deep-sea diving in a sea of information and data.

Dr. Anthony Fauci agrees to President Trump’s point that it’s important to get kids back to school

More at:

Dr. Anthony Fauci: As a default position, we should try to get kids back to school - Washington Times

Dr. Anthony Fauci: As a default position, we should try to get kids back to school - Washington Times

Dr. Anthony Fauci on Monday said officials should make every effort possible to get kids back in school for in-person learning if the coronavirus infection rates in their region make it safe to do so.

Meme of the day: Whoever Did This To Russia's Putin Is A Legend - The Daily Report

Meme of the day: Whoever Did This To Russia's Putin Is A Legend - The Daily Report

Get your latest US breaking news, worldwide daily trends, business and politics. Only the news and updates that you want on your feed, not the crap.

I'm part of a Doctoral support group and the best advice given is to treat getting a Ph.D. professionally as a job and not as a class.

Recently my current professor said something similar, it takes having a serious mindset when it comes to getting a doctorate and treating as your job, a position, and not simply as a student or a class.

We are not in the doctorate program so much to learn, but we are in the process of being refined, challenged, and developing as the experts in the field God has led us to pursue doctorate training, not studies.

He advised looking at this as in the training field and its time to move mentally from student to you're now looked at as a growing peer in the field.

In the doctoral support group, similar was said but for all those who are starting out, I share the same advice given to all of us, You are there not to learn, but you were accepted based on what you've demonstrated you know and have demonstrated competence in the field through you may not feel like.

The best advice is given and I apply even as a stay at home, being a doctoral student is now one of your other jobs.

As I encouraged other stay at homes and I try to those who are new to the doctoral program like me, embrace your new role in life.

Get up and treat it as "going to work".

Get breakfast.

Get dress especially if you don't feel like it.

Ladies, a little lipstick goes a long way, but dress even if it's for yourself and treat this as a job. Even as a mom, this is your position. Embrace and dress for it.

It's not going to be easy it, but one day you will present, defend and be given the title "Doctor"

You are working toward earning a place of position.


Hello everyone! I’ve been told this is a “safe” place to post any idea or articles! I’m looking to debate and share the gospel here as well! Feel free to give me a follow

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The Corn Siege