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Labeling opponents is a specialty of the reds.
Smear is a cardinal technique.

Any label found in the red stockpile, you may be sure, is carefully made and selected to draw the maximum hate to the person or persons, the group or the organization to which it is attached.

In their usual diabolically clever way, the reds took the name of a fine, sincere and beloved character made famous in the greatest indictment of chattel slavery and transformed him into a “dirty, low, sneaky, treacherous, groveling, sniveling coward.” This the reds did in order to make the name “Uncle Tom” the symbol of social, economic and political leprosy.

The Negro business man has always been a chief target of the reds. They despise him because of his conservatism. They label him “a tool of the white imperialists” and an “enemy of the Negro masses.”

Such labels are reserved for those the reds plan to liquidate and since the Negro business man is an inspiration and example to other Negroes to take advantage of the countless opportunities of the free enterprise system, he is therefore an object of derision by Communists. An enthusiastic response of the Negro to the appeal and opportunities for Negro business is a cardinal bulwark against Communism. Consequently, the reds seek to discredit, discourage and liquidate Negro business.

Great Negro Americans such as Booker T. Washington and George Washington Carver should serve both as an inspiration and a reminder to the present and successive generations of Negro Americans that they too “can make their lives sublime and in departing leave behind them footprints in the sands of time.”

The great surge of progress of the Negro since slavery can be largely traced to the work and efforts of these two men, their supporters, their emulators and their followers.

Theirs was a deep and abiding pride of race, a firm belief in the ability of their benighted people to rise above their past and eventually stand on an equal plane with all other races. Moreover, equality was to them, not just a catchword - the prattle of fools - but a living thing to be achieved only by demonstrated ability.

Booker T. Washington’s philosophy of education was to prepare the majority of Negroes through vocational training, to play a vital role in the rapidly developing American economy before and after the turn of the century. He undoubtedly foresaw the process of industrialization, the ensuing demand for trained, qualified personnel, i.e., skilled tradesmen who could be relied upon to do a job efficiently and well. Such training would enable the Negro to maintain his favored position, after slavery, and place him in a better competitive position against immigrants in the labor market. He stressed pride of race, home ownership, land ownership along with industrial and agricultural training.

Leftists, DuBois and Monroe Trotter bitterly assailed this philosophy. Consequently, most Negro youths avoided the skilled trades as “menial.”

According to Mr. Carter G. Woodson, the vacuum was filled by white immigrant labor.

Many Negroes realize that DuBois was wrong then, as he is today, in his attempt to steer them down the road to Communism.

A man cannot live constantly in the miasmic fog of class struggle or race hostility without stifling to death.

Manning Johnson
Color, Communism and Common Sense (1958)

Not good at all .... BLM, equity, inclusive, justice types involved


So now some teachers are writing and even publishing their own obituaries.



Gov. Reynolds told reporters that she appreciates educators' concerns, and that the state is doing everything it can to keep everyone safe.

Nancy Pelosi completely dispels Trump’s executive orders as an ‘illusion’ while her party delay American needs in Congress

More at:

Pelosi slams Trump's executive actions as an 'illusion' in 'Fox News Sunday' interview | Fox News

Pelosi slams Trump's executive actions as an 'illusion' in 'Fox News Sunday' interview | Fox News

Pelosi, D-Calif., is leading negotiations over the next coronavirus relief bill with the White House and Republicans, along with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.

Meme of the day: US Maybe Can Learn From New Zealand - The Daily Report

Meme of the day: US Maybe Can Learn From New Zealand - The Daily Report

Get your latest US breaking news, worldwide daily trends, business and politics. Only the news and updates that you want on your feed, not the crap.

There's a lot to unpack in this FB image.

First, "won't someone please think of the children?" is in full effect. Age old rallying call of the left to exert control, so not much need to go into more detail.

The bone spurs comment is a slam on Trump who got a deferment on military service during the Vietnam era due to a medical diagnosis. The MSM has spent much effort claiming this was a bogus diagnosis. In any case, this illustration is a call back to bring that controversy back in to the public consciousness.

Last, note who is speaking and to whom. The character who is making the statement to the little white boy (also important) is a little black girl. There is a common trope in American fiction of the "Magical Negro". This is a Black character that shows up out of nowhere to help out the White main character. This character has some sort of magic power (or sage words of advice). It's also an example of what we see in liberal politics right now where Black women are taking over the feminist movement.


So I have basically left Facebook.

Update on the Trolls 2 "grooming" doll that was pulled from the shelves. MSM is spinning it that any thought of nefarious intent with the doll is a "pizzagate" level conspiracy theory. Facebook is apparently involved in "debunking" the "grooming" stories as well.



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The Corn Siege