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If at first you don't succeed and you're a communist, don't try try again.
#tuttletwins #tuttletwinstv #communism


i like this guy!

‘Show us the evidence’: Rand Paul rips Fauci over post-vaccine mask mandates | Fox News

‘Show us the evidence’: Rand Paul rips Fauci over post-vaccine mask mandates | Fox News

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., ripped Dr. Fauci on Friday for engaging in political 'theater,' by asking Americans to continue wearing masks after receiving the coronavirus vaccine. 

A Very Excellent Article!

by Don and Joy Veinot | Mar 18, 2021


Henry Mahan


1. For REST – “He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.”
2. For PEACE – “He leadeth me beside still waters.”
3. For FORGIVENESS – “He restoreth my soul.”
4. For HOLINESS –”He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.”
5. For FELLOWSHIP – “For Thou art with me.”
6. For COMFORT – “Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.”
7. For PROVISIONS – “Thou preparest a table before me.”
8. For ANYTHING IN THIS WORLD –”Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.”
9. For IN THE WORLD TO COME – “And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

Michael Jeshurun


Mark your calendar for this Sunday, Mar 21 at 2 PM to join us for a peaceful rally in Sugar Land TX to hear some of the top doctors and activists reveal the truth about this PLandemic.


got my new or should I say used camera coming in on Saturday. More exciting pictures to follow.


Day 19 #ntin70

Luke 18, 19, 20, & 21


Day 78

Deuteronomy 32, 33, & 34
Mark 16

#readwiththefrog #bibleinayear

As I prepare for Holy Week and the final days of Jesus postings here on Facebook and Cornertable, I want to make a couple of quick points.
1. I am just posting the Scriptural references in the Gospels according to their chronological order. I might post a little background and "things" to look for, but it will be up to you to read them. In other words, this is not an exposition of the Scriptures.
2. When reading the Scriptures notice the differences between them. The differences are NOT proof of contradictions between accounts or errors. The differences are due to 4 different narrators or authors telling their story. As with anyone giving an account of an event certain details will be highlighted or omitted as the author becomes the editor. By reading the Gospels horizontally, you can piece together a complete picture of the events.
3. Finally, the Gospels were written by 4 different authors and without a doubt they wrote them with their own purpose and theological point to be made. However, there is one main point in all the Gospels. John states this purpose at the end of his Gospel, that they are written so "you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name" (John 20:31, NASB1995).
If anyone who is reading the events of the final week of Christ's life on earth and you have not yet made Him your Lord and Savior please reach out to me with any questions. Simply send me a PM and I will be more than happy to answer those questions. If you are a female and would rather speak with another female, I know of some women of faith who would be happy to speak to you as well.
So, if you do not know that you know, do not wait or let unanswered questions become a road block. As this is the most important week of the most important person who ever lived, it is the most important decision you will make as well.
"Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God" (Col 3:16, NASB1995).

4 yrs - Youtube

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The Corn Siege