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Becky Bova shared a post  
4 yrs - Youtube

In a few months, if it hasn’t already, President Trump’s legacy at the border is going to look much better even to skeptical observers. As the Biden administration unwinds Trump policies, and a new migrant crisis builds, it is becoming increasingly clear that the Trump team arrived at an approach that, after fits and starts, worked. Counter to the image of the administration taking a blunderbuss approach to everything related to immigration, the push at the border was a thoughtful, creative, and well-coordinated effort across government agencies and between sovereign countries. It is worth revisiting because understanding how it came about and the reasons that it made such a difference underlines the mistakes that Biden is making now, no matter how much his officials and allies want to deny it and shift blame.

Many of Trump’s policy successes — tax cuts, deregulation, judges — came from adopting standard, off-the-shelf GOP policy. There is another category, though, of intractable issues or unexpected crises that were addressed by innovative problem-solving by officials unwilling to accept the conventional wisdom about what was possible. The Abraham Accords and Operation Warp Speed, as well as other aspects of the pandemic response, fall into this category. So does the border, even if has been largely unappreciated. Commentators who were willing to welcome Middle East peace and the rapid development of COVID vaccines, even if it meant giving credit to people they despised, were never going to find anything good to say about the Trump administration’s immigration hawks.

Obviously, department and agency heads such as Kevin McAleenan and Chad Wolf at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Mark Morgan at Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Ken Cuccinelli at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), and Mike Pompeo at State played a major part in the effort. At the staff level, White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller, who cut his teeth working for Senator Jeff Sessions, took a lead role. He mastered the intricacies of the law and the system and pushed relentlessly against bureaucratic and policy inertia. Even though much of the bureaucracy was hostile, especially at HHS and the State Department, there were career officials at immigration agencies who welcomed, finally, a serious attempt to control the border and were constantly consulted, including at regular White House meetings. There was also a cadre of career officials at State who worked tirelessly to secure complicated agreements with Mexico (the Migrant Protection Protocols, or MPP) and Northern Triangle countries

How Trump Got Control of the Border. And how Biden created a crisis by throwing it all away

Dave Champion heard you were having trouble making comments.

works every time for me. are you using the app or the desktop? possibly its a leftover from when we had our bug after the update. if that is the case, restarting the browser or the computer or both might solve it, or clearing the cache, which is what my techs told me.

If desktop, which browser are you using? If use Opera, FF, and Chrome. Every now and then, FF 'hangs' but it works on the other two. Refreshing/restarting FF has solved it for me.

V Clark

In the last 15 months I've put on 14 pounds of muscle. Not only is that a tall order generally, but what makes it impressive in this case is I did it in my early 60s. Making the gains even better is I did it while reducing joint pain!

15 months ago I switched to Carnivore. I did NOT alter my workout routine. The result has been 14 pounds of new muscle with almost zero joint pain - at 61.

If you like to learn the human physiology that undergirds this kind of accomplishment, read "Body Science". Once you read "Body Science" you'll never again be led astray by the false establishment narratives on proper nutrition and/or human physiology.

Get it here:

Store - Dr Reality

Store - Dr Reality

Dave Champion is Dr Reality, author of "Body Science" and "Income Tax: Shattering the Myths".
Medical Freedom shared a post  
4 yrs - Youtube

4 yrs - Youtube

WATCH: Biden Mocked Trump Last September: ‘I Run Up Ramps’ He ‘Stumbles Down Ramps’

House Passes an Amnesty Bill Granting Legal Status to Over Two Million Illegals | Dan Bongino

House Passes an Amnesty Bill Granting Legal Status to Over Two Million Illegals | Dan Bongino

Amnesty for illegals

"...because six feet has been such a challenge there [reopening schools], science has leaned in and there are now emerging studies on the question between three feet and six feet."

- CDC Director Rochelle Walensky

What a load of horse shit. The simple fact is there isn't enough square footage to get kids back into classrooms at 6 feet. It's simple math. At 6 feet it is impossible to reopen schools.

So...miraculously...just as the public is demanding schools reopen....studies begin "emerging" that 3 feet is good-to-go - BUT only for kids. LOL

The level of sophistry is only outdone by the number of morons who will believe it.

The obviously "convenient" timing of this 'amazing 3 foot discovery' reminds me of the CDC releasing a (cough, cough) "study" saying masks "save lives" just as various states announced ending mask mandates.

It's so cool how "science" repeatedly comes up with a "study" saying precisely what the establishment needs "science" to say at the exact moment the establishment wants/needs its narrative to change.

It's almost as if they're playing the American people.

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