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I don't think the American people have a clue how much they are lied to by the government, especially since Joe Biden took over...

Hannity: The government lied to us again and again

Hannity: The government lied to us again and again

Hannity: The government lied to us again and again
2 yrs - Youtube

You might be sick of hearing about the virus origins, but this is a great round up of the information available...


Anyone who would like to listen to Don Williams' CS Lewis lectures over the years can check them out here:

Dr. Donald Williams - Pints With Jack

Dr. Donald Williams - Pints With Jack

Donald T. Williams is professor emeritus of Toccoa Falls College, where he was R. A. Forrest Scholar for many years, in the hills of north-east […]

Scott Adams was canceled today... the Left is completely eating itself and it is really enjoyable to watch, 😆 🤣 😂

"That's a hate group, and I don't want to have anything to do with them.... the best advice I can give to white people is to get the hell away from black people.... there's no fixing this, this can't be fixed, you just have to escape. So, that's what I did."

- Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert, professed Leftists and BLM supporter

Thought for Tuesday, 02/28:
"A thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it." ~ Oscar Wilde

Trump to blame for train derailment? NOT!

Illogical Arguments About the Election and the Derailed Trains on Social Media

Illogical Arguments About the Election and the Derailed Trains on Social Media

“Fox hosts knew the election wasn’t stolen, therefore it wasn’t.” “Trump deregulated trains and there was a train derailment, so Trump is to blame.” Can you spot the logical holes in these two argumen

Thought for Monday, 02/27:
"I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant." ~ Robert McCloskey, State Department spokesman (attributed)

2 yrs - Youtube

Finally got to see the movie. It was GREAT. I highly recommend it for teens and older. Parts will be intense for younger kids. Here's a good interview about the movie.

Watch our February 26, 2022 Worship service including prayers, singing, announcements, a missionary spotlight, special music, and a sermon by Tom Cantor from Jonah 2.

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The Corn Siege