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Watch on March 5, 2023 Worship/Communion service. It includes prayers, singing, announcements, special music and a sermon by Tom Cantor from Jonah 3, and the Lord’s Supper.

The Chapel emphasizes the Lord Jesus Christ through Missions, Prayer, and the Word of God.

Mission Valley Community Chapel a small multigenerational Bible believing Christian church, an Open Plymouth Brethren (Christian Brethren) assembly. All leadership is volunteer, enabling the majority of our giving to go to evangelists and missionaries worldwide. There are opportunities to serve for those interested in participating, including outreach, hospitality, and music.



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Thought for Sunday, 03/05:
"Censorship, like charity, should begin at home; but, unlike charity, it should end there." ~ Clare Booth Luce

Thought for Saturday, 03/04
"I believe that a scientist looking at nonscientific problems is just as dumb as the next guy." ~ Richard Feynman

More precisely: Washington D.C (In USA) - the military arm of the new world order - happily accepted the line that the slaughter of tens of thousands of Polish officers at the Katyn Forest was a crime of the Nazis - as long as the Soviets were needed to help fight against them. But once the Cold War started, they were just as happy to admit the truth: that Stalin had ordered the butchery …


An 11 year finds this at his school. If whoever bought it and put it out for kids to find isn't fired, something is very wrong...

11-Year-Old BLASTS School Board For VILE Book

11-Year-Old BLASTS School Board For VILE Book

Impressive. Check out my new store for the hottest conservative merch that will drive your liberal friends crazy!

Thought for Friday, 03/03:
"Rest satisfied with doing well, and leave others to talk of you as they please." ~ Pythagoras

Thought for Thursday, 03/02:
"An honest man can feel no pleasure in the exercise of power over his fellow citizens." ~ Thomas Jefferson

More on government lies...

Dr. Marty Makary Drops Truth BARRAGE In Stunning Congressional Hearing

Dr. Marty Makary Drops Truth BARRAGE In Stunning Congressional Hearing

Thought for Wednesday, 03/01:
"Truth is a fire that burns and shines." ~ Gustav Klimt

I have published a new author. Here's info, with more info to follow.

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The Corn Siege