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Trump Confirms There Will Be No Presidential Pardon For Rian Johnson | The Babylon Bee

Trump Confirms There Will Be No Presidential Pardon For Rian Johnson | The Babylon Bee

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Starting tomorrow can we return to saying conservatism is loyalty to principles instead of loyalty to a man? Return to people who rejects conspiracy theories instead of perpetuates them?


Tomorrow is the inauguration of a man who almost certainly cheated to become president. Those of us who care about such things will have to think hard about how to react to that but much has to do with how the Harris administration proceeds. The Harris administration has two basic approaches before them and I think we will know sooner rather than later which they choose. Having full control of the Federal government--including SCOTUS, mind you--makes either option doable for them.

Approach A: go for the throat; shut down the country, use every opportunity to attack and marginalize dissenters, especially conservatives, and definitely anyone who still openly supports Trump; gun confiscation, mandatory vaccination, universal health care, UBI, the green new deal, so on and so forth, with no apology and no mercy. The result of this would be chaos and a major crisis, which they believe would survive, making our country run by a single party indefinitely.

Approach B: An attempt to return to 'normal.' 'Normal' is as establishment politicians perceive it, which means that all the things that brought Trump to power are re-visited again: crony capitalism, inciting illegal immigration by the millions, selling out to China, crushing small business, you know, all the things that politicians have been doing for decades, infuriating tens of millions of Americans, but tens of other millions of Americans, being the utterly brainless sheep that they are, are content to accept whatever they are handed, so long as they can have sex with whomever they want without consequence, get a few scraps from the government here and there, and so on. In other words, the establishment will get richer, and we'll all get poorer.

Now, the timeline for the implosion of America will be altered depending on the approach sought, but the implosion WILL come. The massive deficit and continued deficit spending alone demonstrate this, setting aside all other considerations.

So, watch what happens next carefully. If they pursue Approach B, you may hope, perhaps, that we have more time to prepare, and you should use that time wisely.

I have some more to say on this, and our last ditch effort to prevent this implosion, for another post.

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