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Driftwood art by Paul Baliker


Help me grow this site. Remember the maxim: if your friends and family aren't here, you won't be here. So, get them here. Also, we are paying groups and pages to join and bring folks over. Who else does that? Check out our membership drive page for more info.

If you reshare a post from our page, make sure to add the following hashtag:
We appreciate your support and get the word out, Craft Beer Explorer is on CornerTable!



“God sought the souls of man for companionship, and the soul is capable of communion with Him when the darkness of sin is removed.“
John Bunyan


People will note that I have not yet asked for a dime in relation to this site. That is because I have a plan for how to earn my investment back WITHOUT charging users, and, God willing, without relying on advertisers, either. This will take some time to establish, but I am moving forward with it because I have yet another plan: technical innovation of the social media paradigm itself. If implemented and well-marketed, I believe it could bring Facebook crashing down, and perhaps even Twitter, as well.

As you can tell, if you’re reading this, you are very much at the ‘ground level’ of something that I hope will be HUGE.

I have not asked for money and am perfectly content to proceed on my own resources. However, I am aware that time is a consideration. It will take a long time to succeed if I use my own resources, but if others contribute as well, the process will be accelerated greatly. So, somewhat reluctantly, I wanted to lay out what I think it could take to be “ready to launch” this paradigm-shifting operation, and if there are people (eg, angel investors) interested in backing such a play, they’ll have an idea of what figure I had in mind.

In short, about $5,000,000.

$5,000,000 will allow the hiring of a staff of 10-15 and give them job security for 5 years, with the hope that in 2-3 years, we could launch the operation.

What that money buys are full time professionals such as a lawyer, project managers, full stack developers, an accountant, a marketing team, an office manager, and a facility for them to work in.

I COULD put this up on gofundme or some other crowd-funding site, and maybe someday I will. For now, though I’d rather keep it closer to the vest, because I don’t want just anyone investing in this. I want a certain sort: those who prize independence, privacy, freedom, etc, and are willing to put their money where their mouths are. In other words, I want to connect with people who are willing to *fight* for these things.

Therefore, I will take pledges, which you can send to me via a private message, and I will maintain a database. When the pledges amount to at least the minimum to go forward (perhaps, 3 million?), I will call for the pledges to be fulfilled.

I will be willing to share more details on the idea(s) I have prior to taking anyone’s money, but as you can imagine, people will have to sign an NDA. But should you make the pledge at all? Will it be worth investing in? You mean, besides the chance to bring down Big Tech itself?!?!?

One word.


Any suggestions for healthy, but quick morning breakfasts?

TIP: As this platform only has 3 visibility settings
(Everyone, Friends, Only Me)
if you want to interact with people without laying bare your whole life,
try creating a page, group, or topic in the forum.
GROUPS can be set to private/invite only.
Don't forget to change the privacy settings on your posts
if you don't want everyone to see them!

The Corn Siege