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Thought for Friday, 06/30:
"Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters." ~ Daniel Webster

Thought for Thursday, 06/29:
"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some hire public relations officers." ~ Daniel J. Boorstin

I just posted the following on facebook. This might be the one that finally gets me banned.


50-60 years ago, "liberals" (and statists in general; eg., GWB.) came to the conclusion that the earth was over-populated and there would be calamity (the year 2000 was often invoked). They earnestly redirected the agencies of as many governments in the US they could towards reducing family size, etc. For example, increasing homosexuality was literally on their list of ideas. They wanted women to get 'educated' and enter the workplace, not because they cared about women (this sort never did), but because they knew that women who started childbearing later in life would have fewer children, and the later they delayed, the harder it would be for them to become pregnant. And, of course, it was imperative to make abortion on demand widespread.

The Kissinger Report, commissioned by Nixon, concluded that global depopulation was a matter of national necessity. It explicitly states two other things. 1., the US cannot impose on other countries what it is not willing to do to itself and 2., no population was ever able to get control of its population size without making widespread use of abortion.

4 decades hence, it is easy to see how they succeeded on nearly every front described above. There was just one problem.

The people most likely to "fall in" with these 'liberal' programs were, you guessed it, "liberals." In other words, the Democrats had intentionally set themselves on a course where their own base would inevitably grow smaller and smaller because they were more likely to kill their own offspring.

This was one reason why they did a complete 180 on their disdain for the black people and poured government money into those communities in order to make them thoroughly dependent on the government--and as a consequence, the party of Big Government.

But this is also why they support open borders. They desperately need the voters. They NEED them. They're killing their own voters in the womb and they know that without unrestricted immigration, they'll never be able to win a fair election. (Hence...)

Your average leftist has mud for brains and thinks that the Dems support open borders for 'humanitarian reasons.' We know that they have mud for brains because this is self-evidently stupid if you really cared about the welfare of the immigrants, who are stuffed into semi-trucks, raped dozens of times, extorted, etc, etc., in the race to get to the land of milk and honey. Leftists are responsible for this; their only redemption is that their intentions are sincere. Too bad they are sincerely creating the conditions for some of the worse human trafficking since the slave trade. I, for one, find their 'redemption' to be pathetic, and I hold them in the same contempt I'd hold the captains of the ships bringing over loads of slaves from Africa.

This is the average leftist... but the ELITE (who are primarily on the left, but as often as not are globalist Republicans, too) knows PRECISELY what they are doing. THEY NEED THE VOTES.

Their depopulation efforts worked: in particular in the groups that otherwise vote for them. They will allow the worst atrocities to occur in order GET THE VOTES THEY NEED.

And the average leftist has the nerve to insist they have the moral high ground. They have no such thing. Following their historical pattern, they trumpet their own righteousness and denounce their opponents--while bones and blood pile up in all directions around them. The Elites couldn't do it without them.

Treason? What is treason to a globalist?

Thought for Wednesday, 06/28:
"Every government is run by liars and nothing they say should be believed." ~ I.F. Stone

Thought for Tuesday, 06/27:
"When there are two conflicting versions of a story, the wise course is to believe the one in which people appear at their worst." ~ H. Allen Smith

Thought for Monday, 06/26:
"Laws are sand, customs are rock. Laws can be evaded and punishment escaped but an openly transgressed custom brings sure punishment." ~ Mark Twain

Thought for Sunday, 06/25:
"Some days you're a bug, some days you're a windshield." ~ Price Cobb

Thought for Saturday, 06/24:
"Technical skill is mastery of complexity, while creativity is mastery of simplicity." ~ Christopher Zeeman

Thought for Friday, 06/23:
"Not the power to remember, but its very opposite, the power to forget, is a necessary condition for our existence." ~ Sholem Asch

Some very sinister stuff...

Jamie Glazov on Why and How Obama Targeted Michael Flynn

Jamie Glazov on Why and How Obama Targeted Michael Flynn

Jamie Glazov, “Barack Obama’s True Legacy.” joins me to discuss why and how Obama himself targeted Michael Flynn. Check out my new store for the hottest conservative merch that will drive your liberal

Thought for Thursday, 06/22:
"For every action there is an equal and opposite government program." ~ Bob Wells

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