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I can't believe this patriot was treated this way...

SHOCKING FBI TESTIMONY! 2A is 'Domestic Terrorism,' Agents Infiltrate School Board Meetings [WATCH]

SHOCKING FBI TESTIMONY! 2A is 'Domestic Terrorism,' Agents Infiltrate School Board Meetings [WATCH]

During Thursday's hearing by the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, committee member Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) questioned FBI whistleblowers on a memo titled "Domestic Te

The first 6 mins are very interesting as the two of them continue to show the corrupt nature of the democrat party...

Dr. Rand Paul Joins Faulkner Focus to Discuss House Hearing Government Overreach and More

Dr. Rand Paul Joins Faulkner Focus to Discuss House Hearing Government Overreach and More

Thought for Thursday, 05/18:
"Silly things do cease to be silly if they are done by sensible people in an impudent way." ~ Jane Austen

Thought for Wednesday, 05/17:
"If you wish success in life, make perseverance your bosom friend, experience your wise counselor, caution your elder brother and hope your guardian genius." ~ Joseph Addison

Is the far left trying to change the USA into a country like 1930's Germany?

New Information Reveals the DHS is Trying to Create a Nation of Snitches

New Information Reveals the DHS is Trying to Create a Nation of Snitches

New information reveals that the Department of Homeland Security is trying to create a nation of snitches. Check out my new store for the hottest conservative merch that will drive your liberal friend

Funny and Sad at the same time...

Polarized ?
Notice, China is not ‘polarized’;
it’s ‘homogenized’ thanks to proposed amendments it’s neighbor India, picked up from them.


Polarized ?
Notice, China is not ‘polarized’;
it’s ‘homogenized’ thanks to proposed amendments it’s neighbor India, picked up from them.


Polarized ?
Notice, China is not ‘polarized’;
it’s ‘homogenized’ thanks to proposed amendments it’s neighbor India, picked up from them.


More evidence that the Democrat party is corrupt...

Mark Levin: Trump is the greatest victim in American political history

Mark Levin: Trump is the greatest victim in American political history

Mark Levin: Trump is the greatest victim in American political history

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The Corn Siege