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I know that parts of the Bible can be especially difficult to get through (looking at you tabernacle instructions, genealogies, and law lists) but don’t give up! Keep reading and find one thing to meditate on through your day. Reading through the responsibilities of the priests can remind you of how we have a Great High Priest that not only fulfills all the tasks and requirements for the role but made the sacrifice with His own life once and for all.
#readwiththefrog #jesus

Day 33

Exodus 26, 27, & 28
Matthew 21

#readwiththefrog #bibleinayear

America's Family Owned Farms Now Face the Greatest Threat to Their Existence — Lonesome Lands

America's Family Owned Farms Now Face the Greatest Threat to Their Existence — Lonesome Lands

By Jim Mundorf I don’t care who you voted for, or your thoughts on the election. Joe Biden is the President and as much as I try to stay out of politics, his proposed tax plan is now the greatest threat to destroy family owned farms and ranches that

American Elites Seek To Rig the Game | Opinion

American Elites Seek To Rig the Game | Opinion

Across all facets of American society, the Left increasingly plays the game by one set of rules, and the "deplorable" Right plays by a different set of rules.

our (real) president is dead

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WWE is saddened to learn that Kamala has passed away at the age of 70.
4 yrs - Youtube



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The Corn Siege