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Rush Limbaugh

I discovered Rush Limbaugh in the Fall of 1992. Before him, I had been a strong advocate of homeschooling, life, and family issues, but Rush was the first who introduced me to conservatism. From there, I was exposed to the Heritage Foundation, National Review, and much more. Rush was entertaining and was saying things no one else saying, which made him interesting to me. He was a giant on the radio, and I was thankful for his commentary and alternate voice in a land of liberalism. Yes, I remember Dan's bakesale, his early television program, and some of the early spoofs he played. Rush was an entertainer.

At one point, though, I struggled with some of his messaging and ideas. Rush billed himself as a conservative, but he was much more of a secular conservative who probably did not even have a theological category for much of his views. Eventually, I turned off Rush (and all talk radio) in favor of greater research believing that while there were things he and I could agree, there were areas we couldn't. I don't know the last time I listened to Rush, but I do not think my kids have ever heard of Rush Limbaugh.

He was a giant in the field and I am thankful for what I learned from him, but I am also thankful I didn't continue to listen to him. For a season in life, he was valuable. For that, I am thankful.

Do you agree or disagree with this quote? Why or why not?




The potential for sin, which includes hatred, would have always been possible because anytime you set a standard of conduct as good, anything else is automatically bad.

The thing you must keep in mind is what is a perfect person like as opposed to an imperfect person. They are the opposite, of course. Genesis 6:5;8:21 tells us that imperfect humans are mentally bent toward evil. Jeremiah 17:9 tells us the human heart is treacherous and we cannot know it. Paul tells us our natural desire is to do bad.

So, a perfect person would naturally be mentally bent toward goodness, fully knowing their heart (inner person), and the perfect person's natural desire would be to do good. There would not be any coveting your neighbor's wife even when she would have been naked. Their natural inclination is always good. And to do otherwise was to go against the grain, like swimming up Niagara Falls. The imperfect person is like swimming down Niagra Falls.

How Could Satan, Adam, and Eve Have Sinned If They Were Perfect?

How Could Satan, Adam, and Eve Have Sinned If They Were Perfect? – Christian Publishing House Blog

How Could Satan, Adam, and Eve Have Sinned If They Were Perfect? – Christian Publishing House Blog

One member of an apologetic Facebook group expressed his inability to understand the often stated, "if God allows man to choose ... that means man's will is stronger." The reason you do not understand it is that it's nonsensical.

Bertha the bearded dragon came to visit for a few days.



Such a complete disgrace!!

I returned from 2+ years of service in Korea in December 1991. The America I’d left had changed fundamentally and I could feel it in my bones. Something was different. A wedge had been driven between those who lived on the common sense goodness of our founding (and our pained history since then), and those who believed their victim status entitled them to some special consideration from the world at large.

I got my first job in the civilian world as a reporter for a TV station in Evansville, IN as a “one-man-band” reporter-photographer. Driving the many backroads of Indiana and Kentucky alone, I discovered a voice of reason in my topsy-turvy world.

At first he was someone I loved to hate. I disagreed with him often, but had no defense for my alternate views— in fact, his views fit far better with my middle-class conservative Lutheran views than anything I’d ever heard. I learned from Rush that the most important thing one could do is to align their social-political views with the principles they hold closest to their heart.

That may be his most profound impact on this nation. He did more than just reflect what so many of us felt. He emboldened those who thought they had to separate their values from their social-political lives. Doing so changed the political footprint of our nation— a fact I pray lasts for many years to come.

Rush became a fixture for me and my family. My children refer to him as Uncle Rush, and my daughter told him so when she got through to his show once. Rush is deeply grieved and will be sorely missed. Rest in peace, Uncle Rushie... Rest in peace.



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