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“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”

Many take this as support to the “belief without evidence” definition of faith.

Among the potential problems with this view of faith is the way it impacts the process Biblical interpretation itself.

If faith is, indeed, a spiritual conviction that defies evidential support, then one is free to interpret scriptural passages based on what they feel the passage means.

When someone challenges them to back their interpretation up with such tools as cross-referencing or contextual support, that person is asking for evidence, defying their faith and insulting their spiritual conviction.

This is exactly the trap that one falls into if one reads Hebrews 11:1 without considering the context in which it is given… Joel Furches

Someone recently told me that people in his denomination don’t value apologetics (why there’s good reason to believe Christianity is true) because their apologetics are in their actions.

. This attitude, effectively, is what you see with many popular Christian authors today, even when they say nothing about apologetics specifically.

For them, Christianity is all about what you do in the world; it’s no longer about believing in Jesus as Lord and coming to a saving knowledge of Him.

This kind of Christianity is hardly different than secular humanism.

It just comes with a fond but relatively mild appreciation for Jesus on top…like a candied cherry on a sundae of good works that can easily be removed.

—Natasha Crain (from, 10 Signs the Christian Authors You’re Following are (Subtly) Teaching Unbiblical Ideas)



#ApologeticsforEveryone #Chesterton


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Today's interview we are privileged to hear from the extremely knowledgeable, driven, and citizen motivated Wisconsin Representative, Shae Sortwell!  From not backing down at our state's capital over Christmas in putting up the capital Christ
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4 yrs

Hey moms!

"Moms Apologetics" has opened up on CornerTable and discussions are ongoing.
They shared it's not to late for anyone to join in the discussions.

Right now they are currently discussing the book "Mama Bear's Apologetics"

Membership is free and open to moms interested in understanding more about Apologetics, current topics, and how to engage in Apologetics as a mom, and individual.

For all those interested, join the group here:

And if you have an Apologetic group on CornerTable, you want everyone to know about, post the link and info in the comments and we will post about it to get the word out for you!




Proverbs 11:9 Updated American Standard Version (UASV) 9 With his mouth the godless man would destroy his neighbor, but by knowledge the righteous are delivered.


DAILY DEVOTIONAL MONDAY, APRIL 26, 2021 – Christian Publishing House Blog

DAILY DEVOTIONAL MONDAY, APRIL 26, 2021 – Christian Publishing House Blog

Proverbs 11:9 Updated American Standard Version (UASV) 9 With his mouth the godless man would destroy his neighbor, but by knowledge the righteous are delivered.

Hey moms!

"Moms Apologetics" has opened up on CornerTable and discussions are ongoing.
They shared it's not to late for anyone to join in the discussions.

Right now they are currently discussing the book "Mama Bear's Apologetics"

Membership is free and open to moms interested in understanding more about Apologetics, current topics, and how to engage in Apologetics as a mom, and individual.

For all those interested, join the group here:

And if you have an Apologetic group on CornerTable, you want everyone to know about, post the link and info in the comments and we will post about it to get the word out for you!


Is progressive Christianity just a group of Christians who are changing their minds on politics and social issues, or is the gospel that is taught by many progressive leaders entirely different from the historic Christian gospel?

great points made here...

First Black NC Lt Gov GOES OFF on Dems for Insulting Blacks, Tells Inspiring Story of Fortitude

First Black NC Lt Gov GOES OFF on Dems for Insulting Blacks, Tells Inspiring Story of Fortitude

The left is terrified of people like Mark Robinson. Subscribe to the podcast here:

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