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Being Loyal to Fellow Servants of God

Proverbs 11:13 Updated American Standard Version (UASV) 13 He who goes about as a worker of slander reveals secrets, but he who is trustworthy in spirit covers over a matter.


DAILY DEVOTIONAL FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 2021 – Christian Publishing House Blog

DAILY DEVOTIONAL FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 2021 – Christian Publishing House Blog

Proverbs 11:13 Updated American Standard Version (UASV) 13 He who goes about as a worker of slander reveals secrets, but he who is trustworthy in spirit covers over a matter.

Print Gallery, 1956, M.C. Escher



Reject controlling linguistic tricks people use to deceive and manipulate you.

One of these manipulative tricks is called Kafkatrapping, which is a mark of totalitarianism.

In his book The Trial, Kafka presents a totalitarian world where a man is arrested by unspecified authorities and accused of an unspecified crime.

Kafka traps occurs when people are accused of something but their denials are interpreted as absolute proof that the accusations are true.


7 linguistic tricks people use to deceive and manipulate you – Life Lessons

7 linguistic tricks people use to deceive and manipulate you – Life Lessons

In the kafka trap you are accused of being a racist and any attempt to argue, deny or defend yourself is seen as proof of guilt. Yep. Denial is proof of guilt. You're guilty until proven innocent.

3 yrs

On the outside, many Christian colleges seem like they are holding fast to sound doctrine, standing strong against the cultural storm. Except when it’s actually a sham. Here are two recent examples that were reported to the ministry by students at Biola University. Share widely.

When Critical Social Theory Moves Into Your Kid’s Christian College Dorm

When Critical Social Theory Moves Into Your Kid’s Christian College Dorm

On the outside, many Christian colleges SEEM like they are holding fast to sound doctrine. But in some cases, it's a sham.

On the outside, many Christian colleges seem like they are holding fast to sound doctrine, standing strong against the cultural storm. Except when it’s actually a sham. Here are two recent examples that were reported to the ministry by students at Biola University. Share widely.

When Critical Social Theory Moves Into Your Kid’s Christian College Dorm

When Critical Social Theory Moves Into Your Kid’s Christian College Dorm

On the outside, many Christian colleges SEEM like they are holding fast to sound doctrine. But in some cases, it's a sham.

shocking, but unfortunately not really...

New York Times Makes SHOCKING Admission in Court Docs in Project Veritas Lawsuit

New York Times Makes SHOCKING Admission in Court Docs in Project Veritas Lawsuit

Project Veritas is suing the New York Times for defamation, and the truth is slowly being revealed. Subscribe to the podcast here:

Biden is making a mockery of the Presidency...

Here's Why Biden's Claim is a Distortion of History and of the Facts

Here's Why Biden's Claim is a Distortion of History and of the Facts

Biden says the January 6 protest was the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War. Surprisingly, the room did not break into uncontrolled laughter at this ridiculous claim. Subscribe to the p

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The Corn Siege