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Why People Walked Differently in Medieval Times | Mental Floss

Why People Walked Differently in Medieval Times | Mental Floss

Your gait would probably be a little different if you walked around without soles on your shoes, too.

God is preparing good things for His people, things that will blow our minds, things beyond imagination. Some of those good things we might even see here in the land of the living. God is looking, searching, for men and women whose hearts are completely His. He longs to pour out blessings, longs to increase His presence here on the earth. God does not desire that any perish, but that all come to know Him and the power of His love. It is up to each of us to become ambassadors, fully committed, fully surrendered, fully prepared.

Do not be deceived, we have an adversary that comes only to kill, steal and destroy. He may come promising gifts and riches, promising fulfillment or power, promising pleasure; but they are empty promises, powerful lies that lead only to death. The devil is the father of lies, the master of deception. We have Truth, yet many even of the elect will be deceived and misled by evil seducing spirits. How can those that have seen the power of Almighty God trade it for the trappings of earthly power, for the illusion of control, for the deception of comfort or temporary earthly pleasure?

If you don't think that the devil knows your name, knows your weaknesses, and is trying night and day to exploit those weaknesses, then you have no clue as to the true nature of the battle we are in. It is us, the Church, who have become complacent and deceived, running our own little kingdom fiefdoms like businesses, worshiping and revering mere men as idols, trading in the power of God for selfish gain, rituals and traditions. It is we ourselves that have stifled the growth of the Kingdom and allowed evil to propagate.

We must keep our eyes on Jesus and His grace and mercy, and discipline our earthly vessels so that we can resist the temptation of the enemy. Jesus also knows our names, prays for us, and watches over us, like a doting Father. He knows how many hairs are on your head. God has good plans for you, plans to prosper you and breathe life into you and your family.

If we, God's people, humble ourselves, resist the devil, turn from our wicked ways, and repent before a Holy and loving God, He will hear our cries and heal our land. The great awakening that we long for and pray for does not depend on the wicked repenting, but on those that call themselves by God's name repenting. It is up to us to prepare the way for God, in our hearts, our homes, our families and communities, that the Spirit of Almighty God might be poured out on the nations. Let us join with one another united as one body, as we advance together in this amazing journey. We have this incredible gift and calling, to be a part of what God is doing on the earth, to be involved in changing the course of history through the good things God is preparing for those that love Him.

"What we’re facing today is fierce, I will confess.

Of all the things that disturb me in this culture, of all the horrific, sinful, wretched, wicked, corrupt influences that go on in this culture, I think the thing that distresses me most is the war on children.

This culture is weaponized to destroy children; it’s systematically designed to do that. 62.5 million of them have been slaughtered in the womb since Roe vs. Wade in the ’70s.

We all understand the breakdown of the family.

If a child can escape abortion and be born, that child has about a 50/50 chance of being born to a married couple.

It is likely that that married couple will get a divorce. It is likely that they will be unfaithful to their marital vows. It is likely that the child will be sent to a public school and come under the influence of those whose agenda is anti-God, anti-Christ, anti-Scripture.

And as you know our country, the politicians who lead it, are making laws that are devastating to children under the pressure of sexual freedom, homosexuality, transgenderism.

The desire is to make that normal, and to punish people who speak against it with laws in the category of hate speech.

The lies of systemic racism and the race hustlers dominate the ideologies of universities and even churches.

Music producers, movie makers, social media providers, big tech, you name it—they literally pump out things that destroy children. Children are under a relentless assault by all the forces of evil, and they are defenseless.

And we have a society and a culture that wants to make sure that these who are pumping out this destruction are free to keep doing it without restraint.

Children are defenseless when their parents sell them to a human trafficker who drops them eight to ten feet over a wall into Sodom and Gomorrah all by themselves—or when the Disney Corporation creates characters that are transgender to seduce children into accepting wickedness as normal, or when parents insanely offer their children gender identity options."

— John MacArthur


“It just is,” is not an answer to the question; it is an opinion.

Neither is “My parents taught me.” Parents are an authority figure, but they do not define morality in any absolute way because they are humans whose opinions are subject to change. “The Bible says so,” is a legitimate answer because if you believe the Bible is God’s Word, then you want to obey God so you don’t fall into disfavor with a supreme being who controls your eternal destiny. - “You Have No Right To Judge Me!” Really? - “You Have No Right To Judge Me!” Really?

Examining the origin of your moral values is a healthy exercise (See John 7:24).


The Wicked Lies in Wait for Blood

Proverbs 12:6 Updated American Standard Version (UASV) 6 The words of the wicked lie in wait for blood, but the mouth of the upright delivers them.


DAILY DEVOTIONAL TUESDAY, MAY 25, 2021 – Christian Publishing House Blog

DAILY DEVOTIONAL TUESDAY, MAY 25, 2021 – Christian Publishing House Blog

Proverbs 12:6 Updated American Standard Version (UASV) 6 The words of the wicked lie in wait for blood, but the mouth of the upright delivers them.

I'm trying to add my husband as a "family member" on my profile, but there is a listing for everything but "husband"

The modern sophistical error propagated by the “experts” in the universities who have abandoned the true sense of philosophy is to encourage the scientists to believe that the mental abstractions that make up their “particular craft,” can justifiably be seen as general rules, as opposed to the specific logical conclusions drawn from assumptions they are, and thereby their abstractions erroneously “usurp and occupy the universe.”

This is also the habit of the social utopian revolutionaries, who have seemingly perfected the sophistical art of propagating miniscule notions as categorical imperatives. The boundary between mental abstraction and wisdom is obliterated by sophists and this act of violence against philosophy is propagated in the schools.

Philosophy is Lost in the Dark

Philosophy is Lost in the Dark

Without restoring Plato and true philosophy to their proper stations, we are certain to continue the descent into darkness.




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