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Thought for Wednesday, 08/04:
"Silence is the virtue of fools." ~ Sir Francis Bacon

So four DC Metro Police officers have suicided or been suicided after serving on January 6th? Who is investigating this? Where was Hillary during these deaths?
If you are a DC Metro Police officer, get your life right with Christ before it is too late.

Fourth Capitol riot cop confirmed dead by suicide just HOURS after fellow hero officer's tragic death is revealed

Fourth Capitol riot cop confirmed dead by suicide just HOURS after fellow hero officer's tragic death is revealed

A FOURTH law enforcement officer who responded to the January 6 Capitol riots has died by suicide.Officer Kyle DeFreytag, 26, was found dead on July 1
Al Olsen shared a post  
3 yrs No matter how you feel about the whole vaccine debate, the fact that the government is colluding through a vaccine company with Fascistbook to silence any dissent should raise your ire. This is a common tactic of dictatorships, of repressive regimes, and has no place in America.
#covidvaccine #covid #covid19vaccine #mediacrimes #governmentoverreach #censorshipkills #censorshipisreal

Emails show collusion between US government and Facebook over online coronavirus "misinformation"

Emails show collusion between US government and Facebook over online coronavirus "misinformation"

A new Freedom of Information request has revealed the emails.

Pray that any false flag operations that the alphabet agencies and communists in our own government are planning would be thwarted, that there would be confusion among the enemies of our country, both foreign and domestic, and that God would send a great awakening to our nation, and to the world.

#pray #prayerwarriors #falseflag #greatawakening #prayerwarfare #prayingforamerica #praying4thecitizens #praying

For those of you who like facts, instead of propaganda.

#covid-19 #covid19 #coronavirus #coronavirusnews #science

Facts about Covid-19 – Swiss Policy Research

Facts about Covid-19 – Swiss Policy Research

Fully referenced facts about Covid-19, provided by experts in the field, to help our readers make a realistic risk assessment.

Thought for Tuesday, 08/03:
"A tough lesson in life that one has to learn is that not everybody wishes you well." ~ Dan Rather

Take some time today to re-center, to meditate on God's goodness, to think on all that you have to be thankful for. There is evil in the world. Don't focus on that. God is in control. God wins. Focus on God, and His goodness, and problems will shrink before the Glory of God.

Next Sunday, August 8, 2021, we will be having live streamed and in-person services at the Chapel.

We will be live streaming our worship service at 11:15 a.m. To watch, go to our Facebook page (under videos).

Our in person service will include:
9:30 a.m. The Lord’s Supper/Breaking of Bread
10 am Sunday School, Tom Cantor teaching adult Sunday school
11:55 a.m. refreshments
11:15 a.m. Worship Service, preaching the sermon
(We have a traditional worship service including hymn singing, prayer, announcements, a musical special, and a sermon from the Bible.)

The Chapel emphasizes the Lord Jesus Christ through Missions, Prayer, and the Word of God.

We are an evangelical Christian Bible church, an Open Plymouth Brethren assembly. All leadership is volunteer, enabling the majority of our giving to go to evangelists and missionaries worldwide. There are opportunities to serve for those interested in participating including outreach, hospitality, and music.

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The Corn Siege