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Habakkuk was one of God's messengers to the world. He laments for the lack of destruction of evil. Even so, his prayer beginning in C3v2 bespeaks of God's mercy even as His wrath is displayed!
2 O Lord, I have heard thy voice, and was afraid: O Lord, revive thy work in the midst of the people, in the midst of the years make it known: in wrath remember mercy."
Later, Paul writes in Romans 9:15 -
"For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on him, to whom I will show mercy: and will have compassion on him, on who I will have compassion."
And John 7:37, Jesus spoke to all - "37 Now in the [x]last and great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink."
"...any man...." means "any one". Me. You. Your neighbor. Ready?


3 yrs

Here are the most recent posts on the Chapel’s website blog -
• Local Ministry – San Diego Rescue Mission
• Sunday Hymns – Onward Christian Soldiers
• Listen to “God, The Master Builder” (Apologetics for Kids) by “Grandma” Joelee
• Sunday Hymns – What if it were today?
• Changed by Tom Cantor
• Family Night Hymns – “At Calvary”

Blog - Mission Valley Community Chapel

3 yrs

Here are the most recent posts on the Chapel’s website blog -
• Local Ministry – San Diego Rescue Mission
• Sunday Hymns – Onward Christian Soldiers
• Listen to “God, The Master Builder” (Apologetics for Kids) by “Grandma” Joelee
• Sunday Hymns – What if it were today?
• Changed by Tom Cantor
• Family Night Hymns – “At Calvary”

Blog - Mission Valley Community Chapel

Here are the most recent posts on the Chapel’s website blog -
• Local Ministry – San Diego Rescue Mission
• Sunday Hymns – Onward Christian Soldiers
• Listen to “God, The Master Builder” (Apologetics for Kids) by “Grandma” Joelee
• Sunday Hymns – What if it were today?
• Changed by Tom Cantor
• Family Night Hymns – “At Calvary”

Blog - Mission Valley Community Chapel

Thought for Sunday, 08/22:
"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible." ~ Thomas Edward (T.E.) Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia)

Colorado Springs Father DESTROYS Critical Race Theory in INSPIRATIONAL Speech

Colorado Springs Father DESTROYS Critical Race Theory in INSPIRATIONAL Speech

"Let racism die the death it deserves"

REPORT: British Troops Now Helping Trapped Americans in Afghanistan While Biden Catches Up on Sleep

REPORT: British Troops Now Helping Trapped Americans in Afghanistan While Biden Catches Up on Sleep

Throughout history, the United States military has been known as the global peace keepers. When terrorism is on the rise, we eliminate [] More

REPORT: Elite Taliban unit wearing US gear appears to mock iconic American WWII photo (PICTURE)

REPORT: Elite Taliban unit wearing US gear appears to mock iconic American WWII photo (PICTURE)

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The Corn Siege