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Every Wall Street crash in US history that has occurred in the fall. And I'm not talking about March Wall Street crashes usually there's only two time periods and I'm not going to get into the equinoxes and Solstices today, but those are very super important in crashes. What is interesting to notice is that every crash that has occurred in the Fall in 1929,1987 2008 ,1997 have all been triggered. By the High Holy Days on the Jewish calendar without exception let's think about that.God has the list of the High Holy Days and the High Holy Days in the fall. And you can find this in Leviticus 23.There is Rosh Hashana which occurs in the fall this year. It's on September 20.And that is the blowing of the trumpets. It's a holy day. It's a convocation day. And it is the beginning of the religious New Year. on the Jewish calendar. That's not January 1 For God that's for us is Rosh Hashana of the Jews in the prescribed by the Lord that calls the nation to 10 days of fasting and prayer and repentance. And days later is Yom Kippur. Day of Judgment. In biblical or in Jewish tradition, that is when your fate is sealed for the following year with the Lord on the 15th So, first of Tishrei is which is the month first of Tishrei is Rosh HaShana, the 10th of Tisha is Yom Kippur war on the 15th of Tisha is the Feast of Tabernacles. Feast of Tabernacles is a seven eight day celebration, where it's also known as the Feast of Booths, where the Israelites were commanded to create makeshift tents and live in them for seven days to commemorate the wandering in the 40 years in Sinai, entering into the Promised Land entering into the promises of God. So teams when this is well below, this blew my mind when I discovered it and it is held I've known it for 20 years and it is still held through the last couple of crashes. In 1929 and in 1987 literally started on Rosh HaShana. You rallied when you got to Yom Kippur . It literally began the crash. Like that day triggered like you're done to the very debt you're done. You're rolling over it you're not going to go into a crash. The crash concluded at the end of the Feast of Tabernacles Feast of Tabernacles reading from Leviticus 23. Also on the 15th day of the seventh months which you have gathered in the fruit of the land, you should keep a feast of the Lord seven days on the first day shall be a Sabbath and on the eighth day shall be a Sabbath and you shall take you on the first day the bows of goodly trees branches of palm trees and bows of thick trees and willows are the broken you should rejoice before the Lord your God for seven days.What was happening in 29 and 87 is the crash the entire crash is being governed by the Jewish calendar. Now that Jewish calendar we talked about the locks we've talked about all the lunar and solar and planetary stuff that has to be in place. What's most important is all that has to align on a Jewish calendar. in perfectly with the High Holy Days. Okay, that hardly ever happens. It didn't happen last year. It didn't happen the year before. It didn't happen. Give me a calendar. It's that there's very few years it happens this year. This year is more perfect in 2008. This thing is shaping up to be almost identical. In fact, it's almost identical to 1929 on the calendar. Even the solar eclipses and lunar eclipses are in identical positions that they were at in 1929. So what does that look like this fall what it looks like this fall is we have either topped on August 16 where we are going to top very shortly. There will be a very scary down move. That will come next. That down move should be done by September 23. When I say and we should get on the Dow back down to the June lows we should go back down to 29,000. Okay, we shouldn't be there. In the next three four weeks. There will then be a final rally. This rally will be very fast. Probably less than a week. It'd be even a shortest three days. It'd be very fast in that we'll come back up. Probably on the Dow giving everybody reference probably 31,000 to 32,000 If we are rallying in to Yum Kapoor we crash at that point.If I see that configuration, we crash right into October 21. Okay, now 2008 God threw everybody a curveball.God moved the entire crash sequence up or full 10 days. It's still marked it on his calendar. is still being triggered by the High Holy Days instead of 1929 and 1987, where the crash concluded at the end of the Feast of Tabernacles. Literally in 2008. The crash ended at the beginning of the feast of tabernacles you know all three instances 1907,1987, 2008."
Aaron Brickman

Thought for Wednesday, 08/31:
"I find television very educational. The minute somebody turns it on, I go to the library and read a good book." ~ Groucho Marx







I had no idea this guy was so down to earth and smart!

Rob Schneider SHREDS Woke SNL In EPIC Takedown

Rob Schneider SHREDS Woke SNL In EPIC Takedown

He gets it right Check out my new store for the hottest conservative merch that will drive your liberal friends crazy!

Love the Vax, or hate it, i don't care, this is a small piece of the crap that happened when leaders everywhere were being pressured by Biden and his people, this can't happen again, the crazies have to go, vote!

Aaron Rodgers SHREDS The NFL For Treatment Of Players During The Pandemic

Aaron Rodgers SHREDS The NFL For Treatment Of Players During The Pandemic

This is sickening Check out my new store for the hottest conservative merch that will drive your liberal friends crazy!
2 yrs - Youtube

Watters shows the complete nonsense displayed in the affidavit, and at the end says, "It must be good to be King..."

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