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Thought for Monday, 02/05:
"Crime is for poor people; you don't need to rob the bank if you own it." ~ Josh Lieb

Thought for Sunday, 02/04:
"He without benefit of scruples His fun and money soon quadruples." ~ Ogden Nash








Not often you get to see some great recognition from the lesser magistrates making waves in the nation! Praise God for Deevers' work and may we find more leaders like him.

TIP: As this platform only has 3 visibility settings
(Everyone, Friends, Only Me)
if you want to interact with people without laying bare your whole life,
try creating a page, group, or topic in the forum.
GROUPS can be set to private/invite only.
Don't forget to change the privacy settings on your posts
if you don't want everyone to see them!

The Corn Siege