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More potential context for part of a discussion I was having with some friends earlier this week Also, a new tidbit about George Floyd. Sounds like he was a Christian, and maybe even Lutheran.

Also, this is the first I'm hearing about Concordia, Selma being closed in 2018. Way to go Concordia University System. Keep Concordia Irvine, which is sitting on land worth millions and let the only Lutheran HBCU go under? Not a good move.

#lcms #georgefloyd

Black Clergy Caucus Statement on George Floyd — The Unbroken Cord

Black Clergy Caucus Statement on George Floyd — The Unbroken Cord

The year was 1967. A few years prior, the last remaining historically Black college and seminary dedicated to training Black Lutheran clergy was closed by the Synod. The nation was in unrest. Racial injustice was being protested in a nation tha

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