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What? Human trafficking in small-town Wisconsin? Absolutely! I wanted to share a few things I have seen in and around my small town in the past months. Three incidents, each taken separately, would indicate a potential problem--and nothing reportable to authorities:

1) Some months back I noticed a late model SUV with a 30ish year old male in it parked in an obscure part of a grocery store parking lot. Another car pulled up and parked next to his. The late-teen aged female exited her car, got into the other car and they drove off together. Suspicious-- yes.

2) About a month ago my bride witnessed a large, windowless van with New York plates stop at a local Kwik-Trip. An woman exited the passenger door, open the back doors, and escorted a young teen girl into the store. Suspicious--Yes.

3) Last night I saw a man leave a local gas station, put some items into his car, and get into the car of a young lady who'd pulled in next to him. He immediately assumed a position with his back to the passenger door, slouched low. I didn't stick around to witness the completion of "the deal". Suspicious-- yes.

I believe that we have a very real human trafficking situation going on in our area. I believe that it is centered in the migrant community here-- a population that makes up a steady 20% of our local community. (Yes, in each case, the immigration status of the individuals would be questioned by Sheriff Joe.)

The question is, what do we do about it? Document times and places? Take down license plates? What is our role as good citizens who know when to "live and let live", and when to take appropriate action? What say you?

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The Corn Siege