America's Family Owned Farms Now Face the Greatest Threat to Their Existence — Lonesome Lands
By Jim Mundorf I don’t care who you voted for, or your thoughts on the election. Joe Biden is the President and as much as I try to stay out of politics, his proposed tax plan is now the greatest threat to destroy family owned farms and ranches that
My brother Fred who some of you know said few years ago that both coasts are broke (including Illinois) and they will come after the rest of the country to pay off their debts. As I watched the next round of stimulus “free” money being targeted- in specific New York- California- and a few others- they will get their political payoff and be bailed out for their financial stupidity and policies.
They were broke long before Covid. People are and have been fleeing these states in mass for some time.
If this goes into effect in specific- Nebraskan’s will see these results-
Farmland prices will crash- the schools that almost totally rely of farmland values for their income will lose that income. Bank loans that were once secure no longer are secure. Sue & I went thru that in the 80’s. We nearly moved to Missouri to buy a farm. We could have sold ours in 1982 to a neighbor for 1800.00 per acre- 3 years later we could have sold it for 550.00 per acre. In those years over 330 banks in Ne went broke and closed.
Some of you lived thru that as well.
Land like other things are only worth what someone else is willing to pay- and can afford to pay.
If this goes into effect it will have some pretty dire economic effects.
Farmland values will crash as they did in the 80’s. Loans that were once very secure will become forced sales- further driving down prices. All the taxes that support our state will tank- and all the services will be affected and the cuts in spending will have to be massive. I have neighbors who lost their farms in the 30’s because they couldn’t pay land taxes.
Small businesses also will be affected.
With the New Tax Policies- Businesses that returned from offshore and brought a massive numbers of jobs with them- they will face the economic necessity to taking those jobs back offshore to survive. Unemployment will spike and a further loss of taxable income will make things worse.
Farmers- Business Owners and us and the government can’t borrow our way to prosperity- but we can borrow our way to poverty and for generations to come we are building a debt on our kids and grandkids for our own selfishness and stupidity.
Who remembers a few years ago Hilary Clinton begging our enemy China to keep buying our loans so we can continue our stupid way of tax and money management- personal and government?
Imagine what will happen to the Social Security Ponzi scheme when the funds run out?
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Those 2.5% interest loans on homes - make sure you thank the seniors working fast food jobs to help them financially survive.
For those of us with an understanding of the not so long ago past- as the economy tanked- unemployment rose to 25% wages got cut time after time for those who had jobs. I remember reading the accounts of men who would in effect bid down wages just to have any jobs-“if he will work for 35 cents an hour-I will work for 25 cents per hour.”
The “Oakies” that fled the Midwest and competed with the native Californians and others along the coasts were particularly disdained because it further drove down wages- much as in some areas today the illegal immigrants do in construction.
People starved in those years- no money for food- farmers left grain rot in the fields because it cost more to harvest and ship the grain than they got paid for it. Ranchers cut the throats of their sheep and threw them in ditches because it cost more to ship them than they would get paid for them and they couldn’t buy feed without money- “The Great Depression” by David A Shannon 1960.
As we saw not long ago- how quick chaos broke out when the stores ran low on food and Toilet paper…
If you owe money and when economy tanks- you will find out very quickly you own nothing. Whoever you owe money to is the owner….
I have said it before and will again- Trump is and was and has been deeply repugnant.
That said that thing about murderers in chief still stands and I wonder who is pulling what strings and who is getting the payoffs.
Some of my friends could also google up who said “I don’t want my kids going to school in a racial jungle”- it might be the same one who was super super good buddies with a known- known at the time- Senator who was a Klan member even while in Office for many, many, many years.
Even as I look at all the above- none of those matter as much as the Threats to Freedom of Faith and Freedom of Speech….not even close.
Men have a Penis- Women have a vagina… hate speech…..and God Forgives completely all who seek it His way- and that’s only thru Repentance and Faith.
1 Thess 4 1-8 when you reject Gods Law you reject Him and His Son and all that goes with it.
You can label the Murderers in Chief “Christians”- but God Rules and makes the Rules and He does not label them Christians.
The Lord will punish men for all such sins, as we have already told you and warned you. 7 For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. 8 Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit.
If it wasn’t for family I would be moving out to the middle of nowhere and be a prepper….
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Sam Pakan
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