How do I: Customize a page or profile background
#howdoi #cornertablehelp
For those who are new to Cornertable.
Did you know, not only can you change your avatar/profile picture and header, but the background as well!
If you have a small business and want to brand your page so it can stand out, CornerTable provides you with the way to do so!
Here's a step by step how for the desktop; We recommend the desktop for doing this, because you get a better feel of how the background looks on your page or profile, then follow with using your phone.
1. Click on your profile picture in the upper right corner
2. On the drop-down, choose: General Settings
3. When the drop-down menu under edit opens, choose "Design"
4. In Design, choose "Design"
5. Choose Background and if you want you can seamlessly blend your header with your background.
Make sure to select Save before exiting the settings page.